What's New

Current release
: FactoryTalk DataMosaix 1.0.2 (Hotfix)

Fixes and improvements

This hotfix release includes the following change:
  • With the release of FactoryTalk DataMosaix v1.0.2, the FactoryTalk Edge Gateway extractor support is discontinued. All the registered FactoryTalk Edge Gateway extractors will get deleted once the hotfix v1.0.2 is deployed. This change does not affect the functioning of any other extractor type.

Known anomalies

  • Create Group button in Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) is enabled despite the user not having capability to create/edit/delete group
    :  In the current release of FactoryTalk DataMosaix, on the Access Management screen (Manage > Manage Access > Access Management), in the CDF portal, the Create Group button is enabled despite the user not having capability to create, edit, or delete groups.
  • All Admins of FactoryTalk Hub organization are not mapped to DataMosaix-Project Admin role
    : If a FactoryTalk Hub organization has multiple Admins, only the Admin or Owner that creates project in DataMosaix is implicitly mapped to Project Admin role in DataMosaix. The other Admins have to be explicitly mapped to the Project Admin role.
    If the FactoryTalk Hub Admin that created the project leaves the FactoryTalk Hub organization, the DataMosaix project will not have any Project Admin, unless other users were assigned to the role explicitly.
  • Access Info in CDF shows all the projects:
    : If you click on user name > Access Info link in CDF, all projects existing and deleted are listed irrespective whether the user has access to the project.
  • Clicking on InField menu in CDF gives Insufficient rights message
    :  InField is not supported in the current version.

Previous Releases

FactoryTalk DataMosaix 1.0.1 - Hotfix Release (Aug 2023)
This hotfix release included fixes to the following defects:
  • The extractors configured in FactoryTalk DataMosaix get deleted sometimes.
  • Unable to create Flexible Data Model in DataMosaix
  • The FactoryTalk Edge Gateway Extractor sometimes get disconnected from MQTT.
  • Unable to connect FactoryTalk Edge Gateway to FactoryTalk DataMosaix in some circumstances
  • Power BI connector not able to connect to DataMosaix project despite being successfully registered in FactoryTalk DataMosaix.
FactoryTalk DataMosaix 1.0.0 - First Release (July 2023)
- na
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