Edit a tag

Edit a tag for a program to change the tag or any of the tag parameters. All changes to a tag are propagated throughout the main routine automatically.
  1. On the explorer bar, select System icon
  2. In
    , right-click the item and select
    Tags and parameters
    . The Tag Editor opens.
    TIP: To open
    Tags and parameters
    , you can also select the item in
    and then in the
    title bar, select FTDStudioTagsIcon
    View tags and parameters: (item name)
  3. In the Tag Editor, change any cell in the row of a tag to change:
    • Name
      . Type the name of the tag or program parameter.
    • Data Type
      . Type the name of the data type until the data type appears or browse to open
      Select Data Type
      , select the data type from the list, and then select
    • Value
      . Enter the value of the tag.
    • (Optional)
      . Enter a description of the tag to indicate the purpose of the tag or the latest change to the tag.
    • Scope
      . The scope of the tag. The scope is read-only and determined by the item in
      from which you open
      Tags and parameters
    • (Optional)
      . For a BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT, or REAL tag, select a display style to define how the tag value appears. Styles include BINARY, DECIMAL, HEX, OCTAL, ASCII, EXPONENTIAL, FLOAT.
    • Usage
      . Select a usage type -- LOCAL, INPUT, OUTPUT, INOUT, or PUBLIC.
      TIP: Select a tag in the Tag Editor to edit the parameters of the tag in
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