GSV/SSV Objects

When entering a GSV/SSV instruction, specify the object and its attribute to access. In some cases, there will be more than one instance of the same type of object. Be sure to specify the object name. For example, each task has its own TASK object that requires specifying the task name to gain access.
IMPORTANT: The SSV attributes must be uploaded to be saved to the project.
For the GSV instruction, only the specified size of data is copied to the destination. For example, if the attribute is specified as a SINT and the destination is a DINT, only the lower 8 bits of the DINT destination are updated, leaving the remaining 24 bits unchanged.
The alarm buffer was removed from the subscription functions for alarming in the v21 firmware, and is no longer available. GSV instructions that previously referenced the alarm buffer attribute are invalidated when verifying the project. It is the responsibility of the programmer to correctly change any application code that relied on this attribute.
These are the GSV/SSV objects. The objects available for access are dependent on the controller.
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