Configure a non-isolated analog output module- (integer

Create a channel-level configuration specific to your application.
To configure a non-isolated analog output module (integer):
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , right-click the module and click
  2. On the
    Module Propertie
    s dialog box, click the
  3. Select the
    l button to select the channel to configure.
  4. In the
    Output Range
    column, select the output range.
  5. (optional) Select the
    Hold for Init
    check box to hold the output signal unchanged until the output value that is received from the controller is within 0.1% of full scale of the value held.
  6. In the
    Fault State
    column, select how the output channel reacts if the connection to the owner controller is lost:
    • Hold.
      Output channel remains at the last output value.
    • User.
      Output channel goes to the value specified in
      User Fault Value
      If you select
      , enter a value in the
      User Fault Value
      column and select the
      Ramp to Fault
      check box for each output point for which you want to enable ramping when a fault occurs. The value ramps at the ramp rate limit from the current output value to the fault value.
  7. In the
    Program State
    column, select how the output channel reacts if the owner controller is switched into Program mode:
    • Hold.
      Output channel remains at the last output value.
    • User.
      Output channel goes to the value specified in
      User Program Value
      If you select
      , enter a value in the
      User Fault Value
      column and select the
      Ramp to Fault
      check box for each output point for which you want to enable ramping when a program command is received from the controller. The value ramps at the ramp rate limit from the current output value to the program value.
  8. In the
    Rate Limit (Cnts/S)
    column, enter the maximum rate of change in the output signal for each output point in counts per second.
  9. If communications fail in Program Mode
    , select how the output channel reacts.
    • Leave outputs in Program Mode state
    • Change outputs to Fault Mode state
    1. Select
      to save the changes and continue editing, or select
      to save the changes and close the dialog.
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