Configuring a SERCOS analog motion system

Configuring a motion system is a process with many different configuration options. Basic SERCOS motion system setup requires these steps in the Logix Designer application:
Add a SERCOS motion module
Identifies the motion module being used to the Logix controller
Configure module properties
Defines how the module connects to the controller and how data is transferred.
Add a SERCOS interface drive module to the controller I/O configuration
Establishes the communications channel between the drive module and the controller
Modify properties for the interface drive
Defines the axes and power settings for the motion module
Add a motion group
Consolidates the axes into a control set to provide coordinated motion.
Set the base update rate
Selects the periodic rate (at which the Motion Planner executes motion tasks) to compute the servo commanded position, velocity, and accelerations to be sent to the output modules when executing motion instructions
Add an axis
An axis is used to define forward and backward motion in one direction.
Configure a SERCOS motion axis
Configures the individual attribute of the motion axis.
For the purposes of this quick start, assume this configuration:
  • A new controller project with a SERCOS motion module configured
  • Linear Displacement Transducer feedback
  • Servo axis configuration
    IMPORTANT: For all modules, use the firmware revision that goes with the firmware revision of your controller. See the release notes for your controller’s firmware.
Add a SERCOS motion module
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , right-click the backplane and choose
    New Module
  2. On the
    Select Module Type
    dialog box, choose the module that you want to add.
  3. Select the
    Close on Create
    check box, and click
  4. On the
    New Module
    dialog box, in the
    box, type a name for the module.
  5. In the
    box, choose the number that corresponds to the physical slot that contains the module.
  6. (optional) In the
    box, type a description.
  7. In the
    Electronic Keying
    list, choose a keying option of either
    Compatible Keying
    Exact Match
    Disable Keying
    be used with motion modules.
  8. Select the
    Open Module Properties
    check box, and click
Configure module properties
  1. If the
    Module Properties Report
    dialog box is not already open, in the
    Controller Organizer
    , double-click the motion module.
  2. On the
    Module Properties Report
    dialog box, click the
  3. Verify that the
    Major Fault on Controller If Connection Fails While in Run Mode
    check box is clear.
    TIP: Keep this check box clear until you execute the program the first time. If this check box is selected, then a Major Fault is generated when the SERCOS ring attempts to phase up the first time.
  4. Click the
    SERCOS Interface
  5. In the
    Data Rate
    Cycle Time
    boxes, choose the baud rate and update rate for the SERCOS ring using the following table as a guide. The data rate and the number of drives associated with the module dictate your minimum cycle time.
    Baud Rate of Drives
    Number of Drives on the Ring
    Type of Drives
    Cycle Time
    4 Mbps
    Up to 2
    Kinetix 2000
    Kinetix 6000
    Kinetix 6200
    Kinetix 7000
    0.5 ms
    Up to 4
    1 ms
    Up to 8
    2 ms
    No Support
    8 Mbps
    Up to 4
    Kinetix 2000
    Kinetix 6000
    Kinetix 6200
    Kinetix 7000
    0.5 ms
    Up to 8
    1 ms
    Up to 16
    2 ms
  6. Click
Add a SERCOS interface drive module to the controller I/O configuration
The interface module links the controller to the drive.
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , right-click
    SERCOS Network
    and choose
    New Module
  2. On the
    Select Module Type
    dialog box, choose the module that you want to add.
  3. Select the
    Close on Create
    check box, and click
  4. On the
    New Module
    dialog box, in the
    box, type a name for the interface drive.
  5. In the
    box, choose the SERCOS node number of the interface drive (see the module's rotary switch).
  6. (optional) In the
    box, type a description.
  7. In the
    boxes, select the Major Revision and Minor Revision of the module.
  8. In the
    Electronic Keying
    list, choose a keying option of either
    Compatible Keying
    Exact Match
    WARNING: Disable Keying
    be used with motion modules.
  9. Select the
    Open Module Properties
    check box, and click
Modify properties for the interface drive
  1. If the
    Module Properties Report
    dialog box is not already open, in the
    Controller Organizer
    , double-click the interface drive.
  2. On the
    Module Properties Report
    dialog box, click the
    Associated Axes
  3. Click
    New Axis
    to create an AXIS_SERVO tag to associate to one of the nodes.
  4. On the
    New Tag
    dialog box, in the
    box, type a name for the axis tag.
  5. Click
  6. (optional) Repeat steps 3 through 5 if an additional axis is required.
  7. On the
    Module Properties Report
    dialog box, in the
    (Number) box, choose an AXIS_SERVO_DRIVE tag to associate with the drive’s node.
  8. (optional) In the second
    (Number) box, choose an axis.
  9. Click the
  10. In the
    Bus Regulator Configuration
    box, choose the catalog number that describes the bus regulator device used by the drive module. Depending upon the drive you have selected, one or more of the bus regulator IDs may be available.
    IMPORTANT: This setting does not apply to the 8720MC drive, the Ultra3000 SERCOS drive, or Kinetix 6200 Integrated Drive Motor (IDM) drive. For those drives,
    is the only available option.
  11. If you are configuring a Kinetix 2000 230-volt drive, in the
    Input Power
    box, choose
  12. If you are configuring an IDM Power Interface Module (IPIM) or IDM module, in the
    Additional Bus Capacitance
    box, choose the additional bus capacitance that is required. This parameter is only valid if an axis is associated with the Kinetix 6000 and Kinetix 6200 IAM module. When an axis is initially associated to the IAM, this parameter shows the default value and is enabled. If a valid value is set in the associated axis, and the axis is not associated to the IAM, this parameter is reset to the default value and cannot be changed until an axis is associated to the IAM.
  13. Click
Add a motion group
Motion groups collect axes together so that their motion can be controlled as a single unit.
IMPORTANT: Only one motion group can be created for each project.
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , right-click
    Motion Groups
    and choose
    New Motion Group
  2. On the
    New Tag
    dialog box, in the
    box, type a name for the motion group.
  3. (optional) In the
    box, type a description.
  4. Click
Set the base update rate
The Base Update Period (also known as the Coarse Update Period) is how often the motion planner runs. The motion planner is the part of the controller that handles position and velocity information for the axes. When the motion planner runs, it interrupts most other tasks regardless of their priority.
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , double-click the motion group.
  2. Click the
  3. In the
    Base Update Period
    box, choose the update period. The valid values range from
    , in 0.5 increments.
    Guidelines for the Base Update Period.
    Number of Axes
    1756-L 6
    controller 4 axes/ms
    controller8 axes/ms
    Save Controller’s Time
    Leave at least half the controller’s time for the scan of all your code.
    Base Update Period and SERCOS modules
    Set the Base Update Period to a multiple of the cycle time of the motion module.
    Example: If the cycle time is 2 ms, set the Base Update Period to 8 ms, 10 ms, 12ms, and so on.
    Base Update Period and Analog modules
    Set the Base Update Period to:
    • at least 3 times the servo update period of the motion module.
    • a multiple of the servo update period of the motion module.
  4. In the
    General Fault Type
    list, choose
    Non Major Fault
  5. Click
Add an axis
Add an axis for each of your drives.
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , right-click the motion group and choose
    New Axis
  2. Choose the data type.
    • For these motion modules, choose
      • 1756-M03SE
      • 1756-M08SE
      • 1756-M16SE
      • 1768-M04SE
    • To use a virtual configuration (no hardware), choose
  3. On the
    New Tag
    dialog box, in the
    box, type a name for the axis.
  4. (optional) In the
    box, type a description for the axis.
  5. Click
Configure a SERCOS motion axis
After the axis is created, configure the axis of a SERCOS interface drive. The steps may differ depending on the type of drive you are configuring.
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , double-click the axis.
  2. On the
    tab, verify that the assigned motion group and module information is correct. Make any needed changes.
  3. Click the
    tab, and in the
    Position Units
    Average Velocity Timebase
    boxes, enter the values.
  4. Click the
  5. Click
    Change Catalog
    , and on the
    Change Catalog Number
    dialog box, choose the related motor catalog numbers, and click
    The following conditions apply for the Integrated Drive Motor (IDM).
    • The
      Amplifier Catalog Number
      appears dimmed and cannot be edited when the axis is associated to an IDM.
    • The
      Motor Catalog Number
      is automatically set to the catalog number of the only motor available from the Motion Database for the IDM module when it is associated to the axis.
    • The Catalog Number for the IDM appears dimmed and is read-only. It is automatically set to the compatible motor from the motion database for each IDM.
    • An IDM does not support Auxiliary Axis loop configurations. When the
      Axis Configuration
      box on the
      tab is set to
      , the selections for
      Loop Configuration
      for the IDM are:
      • Position Servo
      • Dual Command Servo (does not use the Auxiliary Port)
      • Velocity Servo
      • Torque Servo
        When the
        Axis Configuration
        box on the
        tab is set to
        Feedback Only
        , the selection for
        Loop Configuration
        for the IDM is
        Motor Feedback Only
    • The following are real-time attributes for the IDM.
      • Position Command
      • Position Feedback
      • Position Error
      • Position Int. Error
      • Velocity Command
      • Velocity Feedback
      • Velocity Error
      • Velocity Int. Error
      • Accel Command
      • Accel Feedback
      • Marker Distance
      • Torque Command
      • Torque Feedback
      • Positive Dynamic Torque Limit
      • Negative Dynamic Torque Limit
      • Motor Capacity
      • Drive Capacity
      • Power Capacity
      • Bus Regulator Capacity
      • Motor Electrical Angle
      • Torque Limit Source
      • DC Bus Voltage
  6. In the
    Drive Resolution
    box, type the resolution, and then in the
    Drive Counts /
    box, select the units.
  7. Click
  8. On the
    Calculate Position Parameters
    dialog box, click
    , review the values and adjust as needed until you have the desired calculated values, then click
  9. Click the
    tab, and in the
    box, choose the homing mode.
  10. In the
    box, type the position units.
  11. In the
    box, choose the sequence type.
  12. For all sequence types except
    , in the
    box, choose the active home sequence type, and then in the
    Return Speed
    boxes, set the homing speeds.
  13. Click
    to apply the changes.
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