Import Add-On Instruction Considerations
Keep these considerations in mind when importing Add-On Instructions.
- When importing Add-On Instruction Definition declarations, you cannot overwrite Add-On Instructions when online. You can create new Add-On Instructions when online. You can create or overwrite Add-On Instructions when offline. For more information about Add-On Instruction import considerations, see theLogix 5000Controllers Add-On Instructions manual (publication 1756-PM010).TIP:The instruction must be unsealed. If it is a safety instruction, it cannot be safety locked and cannot have a safety task signature.
- If the DataType declaration contains Add-On Instruction references, the import process follows this behavior:ConfigurationBehaviorOperationValidOperationchoices are:
- Use Existing
- Overwrite (not valid for online imports)
- Create
- Discard
Overwrite is allowed if the Add-On Instruction is source protected. This deletes the original, protected Add-On Instruction and adds a new, unprotected one.If you changed the Final Name to select an existing Add-On Instruction, this Add-On Instruction has been hooked up with a different Add-On Instruction name by changing the Final Name column to select an existing Add-On Instruction with a different name (herein known as a re-reference) and you change the Operation field to Overwrite, then the Add-On Instruction Name Collision dialog box automatically opens.Add-On Instructions are different if they have different edit dates.RevisionTheRevisionfields are read only. If theOperationfield is set toCreateorOverwrite, theRevisionfields display the corresponding attributes for the Add-On Instruction from the import file. If theOperationfield is set toUndefined, theRevisionfields are blank. - When importing Add-On Instructions with associated alarm definitions, keep these considerations in mind when using theCreate,Use Existing, andOverwritesettings on theImport Configurationdialog box.
- Alarms for tags of scalar data types (that is, data types that are not structures or arrays) are imported using this behavior:
- When you selectCreatefor the tag, alarms associated with the tag are also imported.
- When you selectUse Existingfor the tag, none of the alarms associated with the tag are created or overwritten during the import. All existing alarms associated with the tag in the project remain unchanged.
- When you selectOverwritefor the tag, all alarms associated with the tag are imported. Existing alarms associated with the tag in the project are deleted or overwritten during the import.
- Alarms for tags of structured data types are imported using this behavior:
- When you selectCreatefor the user-defined data type or Add-On Instruction, orCreatefor the alarm definition for a system predefined data type, all alarm conditions are automatically generated based on the alarm definitions for the tag’s data type. Then the alarms associated with the imported tag are used to overwrite the automatically generated alarms.
- When you selectUse Existingfor the user-defined data type or Add-On Instruction, orUse Existingfor the alarm definition for a system predefined data type, none of the alarms associated with the tag are created or overwritten during the import. All existing alarms associated with the tag in the project remain unchanged.
- When you selectOverwritefor the user-defined data type or Add-On Instruction, orOverwritefor the alarm definition for a system predefined data type, all alarms are automatically generated based on the alarm definitions for the tag’s data type. Then the alarms associated with the imported tag are used to overwrite the automatically generated alarms.
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