Automation enables competitiveness. The ongoing skills gap continues to be a top barrier to competitiveness. Manufacturers identify automation and advanced manufacturing technology as the best route to elevate competitive advantage and mitigate external and internal risk, including climate risk.2 Automation helps address the skills gap by enhancing efficiency, generating new workstream opportunities, and supporting employees’ skill development. There’s more to the talent solution, though.
Creating the future of industrial operations depends on developing workers who have capability and inspiration to work with advanced technologies that will drive more efficient and sustainable industrial operations. We’re helping our customers, and our company reshape the workforce by connecting education pathways, training programs, and students closer than ever to our industry in our expanding ecosystem of partnerships across government, academic institutions, and industry. Our strategy for cultivating the workforce employers need includes upskilling current employees, reskilling military veterans, creating student access to Rockwell certifications and technologies, and supporting centers of innovation