Hookup Tests

Hookup Tests
to verify proper hookup of the feedback device and to determine motor and feedback polarity.
All tests that appear on
Hookup Tests
Accept Test Result
controls. Most tests display test results that are output from test execution. Axis configuration and feedback configuration affect which tests are applicable and the specific test results returned.The controls on this dialog box are enabled in online mode and when the axis is Servo Off.All controls on this page appear dimmed under these conditions:
  • If the project is offline.
  • If the project is online and the drive associated to the axis does not support the attribute or Hookup Test.
If you execute a Hookup test and the controller is then taken offline, the test results are cleared the next time this page is enabled online. The test results data is monitored only in the software.
To access
Hookup Tests,
Hookup Tests
in the tree view. Or, select
(Test Polarity and Test Marker) on the
pages, respectively.
The default test selection depends on the Feedback configuration selected. If a test is not applicable for a configuration, the tab for that test does not display on
Hookup Tests
Only parameters specific to the hookup test appear.
Test Type Tab
Select the type of test you wish to perform by clicking the applicable tab.
Test Distance
Enter the value that specifies the amount of position units the motor moves to perform the selected test. The default value is 1.
Test Distance appears dimmed in offline mode and in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Test Speed
Enter the Test Speed.
Test Time
Enter the value in seconds to change the test time used when performing a Hookup Test. The default value is 10.
Test Distance and Test Time are mutually exclusive. The appropriate control displays depending on the Axis Configuration and Feedback Configuration.
Select Start to initiate the test operation.
Selecting Start issues a Motion Direct Command to the controller and validates any parameters used by the Motion Direct Command before starting (for example, Test Time, Test Distance). If the Motion Direct Command does not execute due to an error condition, an error message appears.
You must tune the axis in order for the test to complete. Select
on the page.
Upon test completion, a confirmation appears asking to confirm the direction the axis moved. Select
, or
. If you select:
  • Yes - performs a set of calculations as part of the test.
  • No - performs calculations not related to the test.
  • Cancel - stops the test execution.
    appears dimmed in:
  • offline mode
  • online mode when the axis is Servo On
  • online mode when the test is executing
Ends a test operation.
appears dimmed:
  • in offline mode
  • in online mode when the axis is Servo On
  • in online mode when the test is in the Ready, Error, or Complete states
  • when a test has not started executing
Warning Message
Displays warning messages, for example, DANGER: Starting this test may initiate axis motion with the controller in program mode.
The warning message appears dimmed in offline mode or in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Test State
Indicates the status of the testing operation.
Valid test states include:
  • Ready
  • Executing
  • Failed
  • Passed
    The default state is Ready.
    The test state appears dimmed in offline mode and in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Message Text
Displays informational and error messages applicable to the test state.
If the test failed, an error occurred during the test execution.
The message appears dimmed in offline mode and in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Test Results
Two columns of information that display the current state of the attribute and the test results after the test is run.
The test results appear dimmed in offline mode and in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Accept Test Results
Select to commit the values from the
Tests Results
column to the attribute, causing the
Current Values
column to update.
Test Result
values are copied into the applicable attributes.
Accept Test Results
appears dimmed in offline mode and in online mode when the axis is Servo On.
Axis State
Displays the current state of the axis. Available values include:
  • Unconnected
  • Precharge
  • Stopped
  • Starting
  • Running
  • Testing
  • Stopping
  • Aborting
  • Faulted
  • Start Inhibited
  • Shutdown
  • Axis Inhibited
  • Not Grouped
  • No Module
Safety State
Displays the current state of the CIP safety drive. Available values include:
  • Unknown (no motion connection)
  • Self-Testing
  • Configured (No Safety Connection)
  • Self-Testing Failed
  • Running
  • Not Running
  • Recoverable Fault
  • Unrecoverable Fault
  • Configuring
  • Not Configured (Torque Permitted)
  • Not Running (Torque Permitted)
Safe Torque Off Bypassed
This warning displays when the drive is a CIP Safety drive and Safety State is Not Configured (Torque Permitted) or Not Running (Torque Permitted).
Manual Tune
Manual Tune
to perform the manual tune function and run the drive.
Select to accept or apply your edits for any of the settings on the page.
Select to cancel edits for any of the settings on the page.
Select to accept or apply edits for any of the settings on the page.
Displays help for the settings on the page.
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Have questions or feedback about this documentation? Please submit your feedback here.