Course Purpose
Sound leadership skills are the foundation for success in industrial manufacturing environments. The exercise of effective leadership practices has been found to enhance work environments that contribute to engaged employees and high performance. This course offers five foundational leadership skills that new supervisors must develop in order to successfully build and maintain strong relationships with employees, which in turn increases employee productivity. The course combines the concepts of communication, feedback, coaching, accountability and delegation to create a 4-day foundational leadership skills course for new and emerging supervisors and managers. The first element of the course, communication, focuses on the process of creating open communication that increases rapport and productivity. Most people in organizations take steps to work toward “being a better communicator.” In this course, participants will identify concrete steps and processes that will truly help them improve their communications skills. Once these concepts are identified, they will then practice these skills during several role-play and group activities, which will add more depth and solidify their learning.
This course element, feedback, teaches the skills that are necessary to both give and receive constructive and positive feedback in a way that maintains relationships and increases performance. Feedback opens the door to discussion and problem solving, and it is essential to personal growth and development. When feedback is given constructively, the receiver of the feedback is more likely to listen non-defensively and take appropriate action. Coaching is a skill that can be used to create an environment in which people can achieve their potential through guidance, assistance, and support and to support team members in ways that allow them to contribute to their fullest. When coaching becomes an integral part of doing business, employees are engaged; this results in greater productivity and the retention of top talent. This course provides participants with the tools to coach effectively, and it enables the performance improvement of all team members.
The accountability portion of the course teaches the skills and explains the attitude that is necessary for creating an accountable organization. In today’s business climate, it is more important than ever for team members to hold themselves accountable; organizations depend on individuals and teams to implement actions that align with the values, competencies, and strategies of the organization. These values, competencies, and strategies must be demonstrated by every member on a daily basis. Delegation is an overlooked and undervalued tool that managers can use to complete an ever-increasing list of work responsibilities. This course provides managers with the skills to effectively delegate work to others. There is often confusion about the true meaning and nature of delegation. In discussing the definition, participants begin to realize that delegation is about assigning meaningful tasks that can challenge employees and provide them with opportunities to build their skills. They recognize many benefits to delegation.