Load Feedback page

Load Feedback
page contains information from the feedback device that is directly coupled to the load-side of a mechanical transmission or actuator. Use the
Load Feedback
page to enter load feedback-device information.
Load Feedback
page is available when
Feedback Configuration
on the
page is set to
Dual Feedback
TIP: The controls on this tab are available when the controller is offline.
To open the Load Feedback page:
  1. In the
    Controller Organizer
    , expand the
    Motion Groups
    folder, and double-click an axis.
  2. From the
    Axis Properties
    dialog box, in
    , select
Device Function
Displays the feedback device function as Load-Side Feedback.
Feedback Channel
Displays the CIP motion feedback channel as Channel 2.
Selects the type of feedback device.
Each feedback device has different configuration parameters.
The following is a list of available types:
SSI Sine/Cosine
BiSS Sine/Cosine
Not Specified
Digital AqB
Digital AqB (With UVW)
Digital Parallel (Abs)
Sine Cosine
Sine Cosine (With UVW)
EnDat Sine/Cosine
EnDat Digital
SSI Digital
Hyperface DSL
BiSS Digital
Tamagawa Serial
Stahl SSI
Not Specified
is the default parameter.
Select the required unit. The available units are:
  • Meter
  • Rev
Opens the
Motion Axis Parameters
page to modify existing or additional parameters.
Parameter List
page may contain more attributes than the associated page. In some cases, attributes that display on the
Parameter List
page do not display on the associated page.
Device Type parameters
The device
parameters display when device
is set to any value, except
Not Specified
The device type determines which parameters appear on the page. Parameters not supported by the device type are hidden.
Cycle Resolution
Enter the cycle resolution for the feedback device.
Cycle Interpolation
Enter the interpolation factor for the feedback device. Valid values include:
  • 4
  • 2
  • 1
Effective Resolution
Displays the effective resolution of the feedback device. This value is calculated by multiplying the
Cycle Resolution
with the
Interpolation Factor
Startup Method
Select the startup method for the feedback device. This parameter determines how the device applies the feedback count value during drive startup. Valid values include:
  • Incremental
    - The device zeros the feedback count accumulator at power-up.
  • Absolute
    - The device initializes the feedback count accumulator at power-up to the absolute feedback position value read from the feedback device. Digital AqB and Sine/Cosine Feedback Types do not support Absolute startup.
Commutation Offset
Enter a value for the commutation offset.
This value and the
button only display for feedback devices that support commutation offset.
Test Commutation
Opens a dialog box to perform a commutation test (Hookup Test) on the device.
Data Code Type
Select a data type code for the feedback device. The available options are:
  • Gray Code
  • Binary Code
Data Length
Enter the length of the data in bits.
Absolute Turns/Absolute Length
For a rotary motor, enter the absolute number of turns for the device to make.
For a linear motor, enter the absolute length of the device.
Transformation Ratio
Enter the transformation ratio of the feedback device.
Feedback Ratio
Enter the feedback ratio between the Load Feedback and the Motor Mounted Feedback.
Provide Feedback
Have questions or feedback about this documentation? Please submit your feedback here.