Components of the Ladder Editor Routine Window
When opened, a ladder routine displays within the Ladder Editor routine window. This window appears within the main
Logix Designer
application screen and contains tabs for all open routines, a view for each routine, and a command line.The routine window components are:
Component | Description |
Ladder Editor Title Bar | The Ladder Editor routine window title bar displays the scope of the routine, followed by the routine name. If the routine is a controller-scoped routine, the word Controller appears; otherwise the name of the program to which the routine is scoped appears. Depending on the state of the routine, an additional character may appear in its title. For instance, an * indicates that the routine was modified (that is, the routine is "dirty"). |
Data Context (For Add-On Instruction routines only) | This control only appears when an Add-On Instruction routine displays in the editor. Use this control to select a specific instance of the Add-On Instruction to use for animating values. If the selector is set to <definition>, the logic can be edited. If the selector is set to any other context, the editor is in read-only mode (however, values can still be edited) |
Routine Tabs | The routine window contains a tab representing each open routine. Each tab is labeled with the routine name with which it is associated. Position the cursor over a tab to see a tooltip with the routine's full name. If a large number of routines are open, the names are shortened. To cycle through the tabs, press Ctrl + Page Up; Ctrl + Page Down cycles through the tabs in the reverse direction. Right-click on a tab to display a context-sensitive menu listing available operations for the specified routine. |
Routine View | The Routine View is the area inside the Ladder Editor window that displays the ladder logic. Each routine view can contain two view panes of the routine, an upper pane and a lower pane. The height of the panes is adjustable. Each routine view and pane contains their own caret, scroll positions, and zoom capability. If the opened routine does not contain any rungs, an empty rung is inserted and shown. For Safety routines, a watermark appears in the lower right corner of this view to serve as a visual reminder that a Safety routine is being edited. Tip: Use Ctrl + Mouse wheel to zoom in and out on your routines. |
Routine Splitter | When a routine initially appears, its upper pane is not shown. Use the splitter bar, to split the routine view in half, showing two separate panes of the same view. Drag the splitter bar up or down to move the bar, or choose Split from the Window menu. To position the splitter bar, drag the splitter bar up or down, or select the Split option from the Window menu. If using the splitter to close the active pane, all editing operations in the Ladder Editor appear dimmed. Tip: To toggle between different panes of a routine view, press F6. |
Routine Scroll Bars | The routine window contains scroll bars that allow scrolling the routine view’s pane up, down, left, or right. Scroll this view using the arrow keys, the Page Up/Page Down keys, or the mouse. In addition, the Logix Designer application supports Microsoft Intelli-Mouse use. Rotate the mouse wheel to scroll the routine window up or down.Hold the Shift key and rotate the mouse wheel to scroll the window left or right. |
Command Line Edit Bar | The routine window contains a command line edit bar that allows editing the rungs or branch levels, in ASCII or Neutral Text, as well as rung comments. The command line edit bar is composed of:
Routine Page Header | The routine page header appears at the top of each routine windowpane. This area displays the routine’s description. To enable the Page Header view, choose Options from the Tools menu, and select the view in the Ladder Display tab. If Quick Key mode is on, the routine description is replaced with the Quick Key mappings. |
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