Invalid Safe State Configuration

You have entered an invalid safe state configuration.
Select a proper safe state value from the list below and continue configuring the module.
To use the Safe State feature, you must set the Communication Fault Behavior or the Program Mode Behavior to
Apply Safe State to Outputs
Output Configuration Page
Voltage/Current Range Field
Safe State Value (Decimal)
4 to 20 mA – Signed Two’s Complement
-32768 – 32767
-10 to 10 V – Signed Two’s Complement
-32768 – 32767
-5 to 5 V – Signed Two’s Complement
-32768 – 32767
0 to 20 mA – Signed Two's Complement %
0 – 10500
4 to 20 mA – Signed Two's Complement %
-2500 – 10500
0 to 10V – Signed Two's Complement %
0 – 10500
-10 to 10V – Signed Two's Complement %
-10500 – 10500
-20 to 20 mA – Offset Binary
32768 – 65535
All others
0 – 65535
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