Cross Reference Add-On-Instruction Dialog - Dependencies Tab Overview
Use the Cross Reference
dialog – Dependencies
tab to view all the lower-level Add-On-Instructions on which a particular definition depends.- A hierarchical tree list, starting at the chosen Instruction, all the other Add-On Instructions that are invoked by the instruction as well as all of the User-Defined Data Types (UDT) that are referenced as data types for Parameters or Local Tags. Icons display to distinguish instructions from UDTs.
- An instruction is shown to depend on another UDI, even if it only has a UDI type Local Tag or Parameter and not an invocation.
- Each lower-level instruction's dependencies are also shown as a sub-hierarchy.
- The tree always appears fully expanded (and no collapsing is possible). Vertical and horizontal scrollbars appear, if necessary.
- Columns display for each instruction or UDT in the list - revision, vendor, and description. If a particular attribute is not available for the list item, the item is blank. An ellipsis appears for any column where the text does completely display and a tooltip is available. The tooltip shows the fully expanded contents of the attribute.
- Double-click navigates to the definition editor for the selected instruction or the data type editor for the selected UDT.
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