ALMA Properties dialog box - Configuration tab parameters

Parameters for the
tab on the
ALMA Properties
dialog box are:
Input Level
Configure alarm levels.
Minimum Duration
Enter the length of time an alarm condition is detected before the alarm is activated. This value is used only if the
Apply Min Duration
box is selected for an alarm condition. Sets the MinDurationPRE tag. Does not apply to Rate of Change alarm conditions.
Enter a deadband that applies to all level conditions for this alarm. The deadband is the range of values through which a system input can vary, upon reversal of direction, without causing a corresponding change in system output. For FactoryTalk Alarms and Events, the deadband is used to determine when the In value returns to normal from a level alarm condition.
Input Rate of Change
Set the limit and severity for rate of change alarms. Configure both:
  • Positive:
    increasing rate of change in the input
  • Negative:
    decreasing rate of change in the input
Enter the limit for both positive and negative rate of change (in seconds). Limits may be any REAL value greater than or equal to 0.0.
Rate-of-change limit detection is enabled for any value greater than 0.0 if the Period is also greater than 0.0.
Enter or select the alarm severity for both positive and negative rate of change. The severity can range from 1 through 1000.
Enter the rate of change period (in seconds). The period may be any REAL value greater than or equal to 0.0...32767.0.
This value specifies the sampling interval for calculating the rate of change value. Each time the sampling interval expires, the difference between the current sample and the previous sample is divided by the specified Period.
Rate-of-change conditions may be made unavailable by specifying a 0 second period or by specifying 0 as the limit of the alarm.
Shelve Duration
Enter the length of time in minutes to shelve an alarm. Minimum is 1 minute. This sets the value of the ShelveDuration tag.
Shelving an alarm postpones alarm processing. Similar to suppressing an alarm, except that shelving is time limited. If an alarm is acknowledged while shelved, the alarm remains acknowledged even if it becomes active again. Alarm becomes unacknowledged when the shelve duration ends, provided the alarm is still active.
Maximum Shelf Duration
Enter the maximum time duration in minutes that an an alarm can be shelved. This sets the value of the MaxShelveDuration tag.
The value of the ShelveDuration tag can be set to exceed the time specified in the MaxShelveDuration tag programmatically or through HMI. The Maximum Duration setting takes precedence, and the alarm remains shelved for the duration specified in the MaxShelveDuration tag.
Acknowledgment Required
Select this box to require acknowledgment of all conditions for this alarm.
Alarm Class
Group related alarms. Specify the alarm class exactly the same for each alarm in the same class. The alarm class is case sensitive.
For example, specify class Tank Farm A to group all the tank alarms for a specific area. Or, specify class Control Loop to group all alarms for PID loops.
Then, display and filter alarms at the HMI based on the class. For example, an operator can display all tank alarms or all PID loop alarms.
Alarm Class cannot be used to limit the alarms that an Alarm Summary object subscribes to. Alarm Class can only be used to filter the alarms that are displayed to the operator once they were received by the Summary.
FactoryTalk View
Enter a command to execute on the operator station when requested by an operator for a specific alarm. Allows operator to execute any standard FactoryTalk View command, such as call specific faceplates and displays, execute macros, access help files, and launch external applications. When the alarm condition occurs and displays to the operator. A button on the summary and banner displays lets the operator run an associated view command. Be careful to enter the correct command syntax and test the command at runtime. No error checking is performed when the command is entered.
View 5000 Command (not available in this release)
Enter a command to execute on the operator station when requested by an operator for a specific alarm. Allows operator to execute any View 5000 command, such as call specific faceplates and displays, execute macros, access help files, and launch external applications. When the alarm condition occurs and displays to the operator, a button on the summary and banner displays lets the operator run an associated view command. Be careful to enter the correct command syntax and test the command at runtime. No error checking is performed when the command is entered.
Alarm Commissioned
Select this box to make the alarm available to other tools such as
Studio 5000 View Designer
Status Pane
Shows the alarm state. Acknowledge all alarms and disable or enable an alarm.
All Acknowledged, Any Shelved, Disabled, and Suppressed indicators are blue when they are true (meaning all alarms were acknowledged, at least one alarm is shelved, all alarms were disabled, and at least one alarm is suppressed, respectively).
Includes execution order when viewed from a Function Block Diagram.
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