PDO time settings

Use the
Time configuration
tab on the
PDO Properties
dialog box to configure time settings for Process Discrete Output (PDO) instructions.
To configure time settings for PDO instructions
  1. On the instruction in the routine, perform one of these actions:
    • On the Ladder or FBD instruction, select .
    • In the Structured Text editor, right-click the tag name and select
      Configure <tag name>
  2. Under the
    tab, select
    Time configuration
  3. Configure these settings:
    • Delay to echo back of Off/On status when in virtual
      . Delay to echo back of On/Off status when the device is treated as virtual (seconds).
    • Sound audible time
      . Amount of time the audible should be sounded when the device is commanded to energize (seconds).
    • Time after output to get feedback before fault
      • On
        . Time after output On to get On feedback before fault (seconds). The instruction reports the failure as the device is commanded On but feedback from the device does not confirm that the device is actually On within the configured failure time. If the failure is configured as a shed fault, the device is commanded Off and cannot be commanded On until reset.
      • Off
        . Time after output Off to get Off feedback before fault (seconds). The instruction reports the failure as the device is commanded Off but feedback from the device does not confirm that the device is actually Off within the configured failure time.
    • Delay before changing output
      • On
        . Delay before initially turning output On (seconds).
      • Off
        . Delay before initially turning output Off (seconds).
    • Pulse duration
      • On
        . On pulse duration (seconds).
      • Off
        . Off pulse duration (seconds).
  4. When online with the controller, monitor the
    Device state
    Device issues
    indicators at the bottom left of the dialog box:
    • Device state
      . Displays the current device state, such as
      , or
      Out of service
    • Device issues
      . Displays fault conditions, such as
      Fail to start
      Configuration error
  5. Select
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