The MRAT (Motion Run Axis Tune) instruction is used to execute a tuning motion profile on the specified CIP axis. MRAT requires no explicit input parameters; simply enter or select the desired physical axis.
If the targeted axis does not appear in the list of available axes, the axis has not been configured for operation. Use the
Tag Editor
to create and configure a new axis.
The MRAT instruction uses the CIP Axis configuration parameters as input and output. The input configuration parameters that MRAT uses are shown in the following table.
Data Type
The basic status conditions associated with the axis. These represent key status conditions used by the system in executing motion control instructions
0 = ServoActionStatus
1 = DriveEnableStatus
2 = AxisShutdownStatus
3 = ConfigurationUpdateInProcess
4 = InhibitStatus
5 = DirectControlStatus
6 = AxisUpdateStatus
7...31 = Reserved
Set when the associated axis motor control function is tracking command reference from the controller.
Set when the
Drive Enable
output of the associated physical axis is currently enabled. Cleared when physical servo axis
Drive Enable
output is currently disabled.
Set when the associated axis is currently in the Shutdown state. Cleared when the axis is transitioned from the Shutdown state to another state.
The Configuration Update Status Bits attribute provides a method for monitoring the progress of one or more specific module configuration attribute updates initiated by a
Set Attribute List
service, which is internal to the firmware, or an SSV in the user program. When such an update is initiated, the Logix processor sets this bit. This bit will remain set until the
Set Attribute List
reply comes back from the servo module indicating that the data update process was successful. Thus the Configuration Update Status Bits attribute provides a method of waiting until the servo configuration data update to the connected motion module is complete before starting a dependent operation.
The InhibitStatus bit attribute is set when the axis is in the inhibited state. This bit can also be used to determine when an inhibit or uninhibit operation has been completed. For example, connection has been shutdown, reconnected, and then the reconfiguration process completed. During the inhibit or uninhibit process, this bit will remain in the previous state. Once it completes, it is updated to the new state.
When the Direct Control Status bit is set, axis motion is driven by the Direct Velocity Control and Direct Torque Control functions. In this mode, the Motion Planner functionality is disabled so any attempt to move the axis with a Motion Planner instruction, for example MAM, MAJ, MAG, and so on, results in an instruction error. Furthermore, in Direct Control there is no need to establish or maintain absolute reference position, so attempted execution of MAH and MRP instructions also result in an instruction error. When the Direct Control Status bit is clear axis motion is controlled by the Motion Planner. Any attempt to move the axis in this mode with a Direct Control instruction, such as MDS, results in an instruction error. This bit only applies to CIP Drive axis types.
The Direct Control Status bit is set by the Motion Drive Start instruction (MDS) and once set, can only be cleared by executing an MSO instruction from the Stopped or Stopping State. Similarly, once the Direct Control Status bit is cleared by the Motion Servo On instruction (MSO), the bit can only be set again by executing an MDS instruction from the Stopped or Stopping State.
The Axis Update bit indicates whether or not this axis instance was updated after the last execution of Motion Task. In general, axis instances are updated in Motion Task according to their Axis Update Schedule. Thus, a given axis instance may or may not be updated during Motion Task execution. When inspected as part of an Event Task triggered by Motion Group Execution, the Axis Update bit can be used to qualify program instructions based on whether or not the axis was updated by the preceding Motion Task.
Bitmapped collection of status conditions associated with the motion planner function.
0 = AccelStatus
1 = DecelStatus
2 = MoveStatus
3 = JogStatus
4 = GearingStatus
5 = HomingStatus
6 = StoppingStatus
7 = AxisHomedStatus
8 = PositionCamStatus
9 = TimeCamStatus
10 = PositionCamPendingStatus
11 = TimeCamPendingStatus
12 = GearingLockStatus
13 = PositionCamLockStatus
14 = TimeCamLockStatus
15 = MasterOffsetMoveStatus
16 = CoordinatedMotionStatus
17 = TransformStateStatus
18 = ControlledByTransformStatus
19 = DirectVelocityControlStatus
20 = DirectTorqueControlStatus
21 = MovePendingStatus
22 = MoveLockStatus
23 = JogPendingStatus
24 = JogLockStatus
25 = MasterOffsetMovePendingStatus
26 = MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus
27 = MaximumSpeedExceeded
28...31 = Reserved
Set if the axis is currently being commanded to accelerate. If not set, axis is running at steady state velocity, or is at rest.
Set if the axis is currently being commanded to decelerate. If not set, axis is running at steady state velocity, or is at rest.
Set if a Move motion profile is currently in progress. Cleared when the Move is complete or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if a Jog motion profile is currently in progress. Cleared when the Jog is complete or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if the axis is currently Gearing to another axis. Cleared when the gearing operation is stopped or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if a Home motion profile is currently in progress. Cleared when the homing operation is stopped or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if there is a stopping process currently in progress. Cleared when the stopping process is complete.
The stopping process is used to stop an axis (initiated by an MAS, MGS, Stop Motion fault action, or mode change). This bit is no longer associated with the gearing Clutch bit (MAG with Clutch selected) which, for I4B, has been explicitly named the Gearing Lock Status bit.
The HomedStatus bit attribute is cleared at power up or reconnection. The bit is set to 1 by the MAH instruction upon successful completion of the configured homing sequence. This bit would be later cleared if the axis entered the shutdown state.
The HomedStatus bit is set by the MAH instruction upon successful completion of the configured homing sequence. This bit indicates that an absolute machine reference position has been established. When this bit is set, operations that require a machine reference, such as Software Overtravel checking, can be meaningfully enabled.
The HomedStatus bit is cleared under the following conditions:
  • Download, Control power cycle, or Reconnection with Incremental Feedback device.
  • Absolute Position Recovery (APR) fails with Absolute Feedback device.
  • Feedback Integrity bit is cleared by CIP Motion drive.
The HomedStatus bit is directly used by the control system to qualify the Software Overtravel checking function. Thus, if the HomedStatus bit is clear, Soft Overtravel checking will not occur even if the Soft Overtravel Checking bit is set.
Set if a Position Cam motion profile is currently in progress. Cleared when the Position Cam is complete or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if a Time Cam motion profile is currently in progress. Cleared when the Time Cam is complete or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if a Position Cam motion profile is currently pending the completion of a currently executing cam profile. This would be initiated by executing an MAPC instruction with Pending execution selected. This bit is cleared when the current position cam profile completes, initiating the start of the pending cam profile. This bit is also cleared if the position cam profile completes, or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set if a Time Cam motion profile is currently pending the completion of a currently executing cam profile. This would be initiated by executing an MATC instruction with Pending execution selected. This bit is cleared when the current time cam profile completes, initiating the start of the pending cam profile. This bit is also cleared if the time cam profile completes, or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set whenever the slave axis is locked to the master axis in a gearing relationship according to the specified gear ratio. The clutch function of the gearing planner is used to ramp an axis up, or down, to speed in a gearing process (MAG with Clutch selected). This bit is cleared during the intervals where the axis is clutching.
Set whenever the master axis satisfies the starting condition of a currently active Position Cam motion profile. The starting condition is established by the Start Control and Start Position parameters of the MAPC instruction. This bit is bit is cleared when the current position cam profile completes, or is superseded by some other motion operation. In uni-directional master direction mode, the Position Cam Lock Status bit is cleared when moving in the "wrong" direction and sets when moving in the correct direction.
The MasterOffsetMoveStatus bit attribute is set if a Master Offset Move motion profile is currently in progress. It is cleared when the Master Offset Move is complete or superseded by some other motion operation.
The CoordinatedMotionStatus bit attribute is set if any coordinated motion profile is currently active upon this axis. It is cleared when the Coordinated Motion is complete or stopped.
Set if the axis is involved in a transform. The axis is in one of the coordinate systems specified in an active MCT instruction. True will indicate that the axis is involved in a transform; false will indicate that it is not.
Set if the axis is under transform control. True indicates the axis is under transform control and false indicates it is not under transform control. An axis under transform control cannot be commanded to move.
When set, the axis speed is directly controlled by the Direct Command Velocity value. This bit is set by the Motion Drive Start (MDS) instruction and only applies to CIP Drive axis types.
When set, the axis torque is directly controlled by the Command Torque value. This bit is set by the MDS instruction and only applies to CIP Drive axis types.
Set if an axis is currently pending the completion of a currently executing move. This bit is cleared when the move completes or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set when the master axis satisfies the Lock Direction request of a Motion Axis Move (MAM) Instruction. If the Lock Direction is Immediate Forward Only or Immediate Reverse Only the MoveLockStatus bit will be set immediately when the MAM is initiated. If the Lock Direction is Position Forward Only or Position Reverse Only the bit will be set when the Master Axis crosses the Master Lock Position in the specified direction.
The MoveLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses direction and the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The MoveLockStatus bit is set again when the Slave Axis resumes following the Master Axis.
Set if an axis is currently pending the completion of a currently executing jog. This bit is cleared when the jog completes or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set when the master axis satisfies the Lock Direction request of a Motion Axis Jog (MAJ) Instruction. If the Lock Direction is Immediate Forward Only or Immediate Reverse Only the JogLockStatus bit will be set immediately when the MAJ is initiated. If the Lock Direction is Position Forward Only or Position Reverse Only the bit will be set when the Master Axis crosses the Master Lock Position in the specified direction.
The JogLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses direction and the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The JogLockStatus bit is set again when the Slave Axis resumes following the Master Axis.
Set if an axis is currently pending the completion of a currently executing Master Offset Move. This bit is cleared when the Master Offset Move completes or is superseded by some other motion operation.
Set when the master axis satisfies the Lock Direction request of a Master Offset Move executed using MAM instruction. If the Lock Direction is Immediate Forward Only or Immediate Reverse Only the MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit will be set immediately when the MAM is initiated. If the Lock Direction is Position Forward Only or Position Reverse Only the bit will be set when the Master Axis crosses the Master Lock Position in the specified direction.
The MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit is cleared when the Master Axis reverses direction and the Slave Axis stops following the Master Axis. The MasterOffsetMoveLockStatus bit is set again when the Slave Axis resumes following the Master Axis.
Set when the axis command velocity at any time exceeds the maximum speed configured for an axis. The bit will be cleared when the axis velocity is reduced below the maximum speed.
Collection of alarm conditions associated with the Motion Planner function. If the Motion Alarm bit is set, it indicates that there is one or more alarm conditions have occurred related to the Motion Planner function. The specific alarm conditions can then be determined through access to the Motion Fault attribute of the associated axis.
0 = Reserved
1 = SoftTravelLimitPositiveAlarm - Actual position has exceeded the Soft Travel Limit – Positive value.
2 = SoftTravelLimit NegativeAlarm - Actual position has exceeded the Soft Travel Limit – Negative value.
3…31 = Reserved
This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the configured Soft Travel Limit - Positive attribute value in the positive direction. If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Positive value using a motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the configured Soft Travel Limit - Negative attribute value in the negative direction. If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Negative value using a motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
Collection of fault conditions associated with the Motion Planner. When one of the listed excepted conditions is detected by the controller, the condition is indicated as a Fault according to the associated Motion Exception Action attribute value. In general, Faults result in some form of action to stop the axis.
0 = Reserved
1 = SoftTravelLimitPositiveAlarm - Actual position has exceeded the Soft Travel Limit – Positive value.
2 = SoftTravelLimit NegativeAlarm - Actual position has exceeded the Soft Travel Limit – Negative value.
3…31 = Reserved
This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the configured Soft Travel Limit - Positive attribute value in the positive direction. If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Positive value using a motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
For commanded axes, the Soft Travel Fault can be cleared with a Fault Reset while the axis position is beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Positive value to allow the axis to be moved back within the Soft Travel Limits. As long as the axis is not commanded to move further away from the travel limit, no Soft Travel Limit Fault shall be generated.
This exception condition occurs when Soft Travel Checking is enabled and when actual position has exceeded the configured Soft Travel Limit - Negative attribute value in the negative direction. If the Motion Exception Action for this bit is set for Stop Planner, the faulted axis can be moved or jogged back inside the soft travel limits. Any attempt, however, to move the axis further beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Negative value using a motion instruction will result in an instruction error.
For commanded axes, the Soft Travel Limit Fault can be cleared with a Fault Reset while the axis position is beyond the Soft Travel Limit - Negative value to allow the axis to be moved back within the Soft Travel Limits. As long as the axis is not commanded to move further away from the travel limit, no Soft Travel Limit Fault shall be generated.
0 = WatchEventArmedStatus
1 = WatchEventStatus
2 = RegEvent1ArmedStatus
3 = RegEvent1Status
4 = RegEvent2ArmedStatus
5 = RegEvent2Status
6 = HomeEventArmedStatus
7 = HomeEventStatus
8-31 = Reserved
Set when a watch event has been armed through execution of the MAW (Motion Arm Watch) instruction. Cleared when a watch event occurs or a MDW (Motion Disarm Watch) instruction is executed.
Set when a watch event has occurred. Cleared when either another MAW instruction or a MDW instruction is executed.
Set when a registration checking has been armed for registration input 1 through execution of the MAR (Motion Arm Registration) instruction. Cleared when either a registration event occurs or a MDR (Motion Disarm Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 1.
Set when a registration event has occurred on registration input 1. Cleared when either another MAR (Motion Arm Registration) instruction or a MDR (Motion Disarm Registration) instruction is executed for registration input 1.
Set when a registration checking has been armed for registration input 2 through execution of the MAR instruction. Cleared when either a registration event occurs or a MDR instruction is executed for registration input 2.
Set when a registration event has occurred on registration input 2. Cleared when either another MAR instruction or a MDR instruction is executed for registration input 2.
Set when a home event has been armed and is used by the Home instruction to manage various homing events that occur during the configured homing sequence. Cleared when a home event occurs.
Set when a home event has occurred and is used by the Home instruction to manage various homing events that occur during the configured homing sequence. Cleared when another MAH (Motion Axis Home) instruction is executed.
Set when an Output Cam has been initiated. The Output Cam Status bit is reset when the cam position moves beyond the cam start or cam end position in Once execution mode with no Output Cam pending or when the Output Cam is terminated by a MDOC instruction. This attributes and all the output cam status words are bit patterns where each bit refers to an output cam target. For example, bit 0 is output cam target 0 and so on. This is true of all the output cam status words. Each of these bits corresponds to an output cam target.
Set if an Output Cam is currently pending the completion of another Output Cam. This would be initiated by executing an MAOC instruction with Pending execution selected. Cleared when the output cam is armed, being triggered when the currently executing Output Cam has completed or if the Output Cam is terminated by a MDOC instruction.
Set when an Output Cam has been armed. This would be initiated by executing an MAOC instruction with Immediate execution selected, when a pending output cam changes to armed, or when the axis approaches or passes through the specified axis arm position. Cleared when this output cam current position moves beyond the cam start or cam stop position or if the Output Cam is terminated by an MDOC instruction.
Set when a transition between the currently armed and the pending Output Cam is in process. Therefore, each Output Cam controls a subset of Output Bits. Reset when the transition to the pending Output Cam is complete or when the Output Cam is terminated by an MDOC instruction.
The current absolute position of an axis, in the configured Position Units of that axis, as read from the feedback transducer. This value is based on a data transfer process that results in a delay of one Coarse Update Period. Thus, the Actual Position value is the actual position of the axis one Coarse Update Period ago.
Strobe Actual Position, Strobe Command Position, and Strobe Master Offset attributes are used to simultaneously store a snapshot of the actual, command position, and master offset positions of an axis when the MGSP (Motion Group Strobe Position) instruction is executed. The values are stored in the configured Position Units of the axis. Because the MGSP instruction simultaneously stores the actual and command positions for all axes in the specified group of axes, the resultant Strobe Actual Position, Strobe Command Position, and Strobe Master Offset values for different axes can be used to perform real time calculations.
Whenever a new motion planner instruction starts for an axis (for example, using a MAM instruction), the value of the axis command position and actual position is stored at the precise instant the motion begins. These values are stored as the Start Command Position and Start Actual Position, respectively in the configured Position Units of the axis.
Start Positions are useful to correct for any motion occurring between the detection of an event and the action initiated by the event. For instance, in coil winding applications, Start Command Positions can be used in an expression to compensate for overshooting the end of the bobbin before the gearing direction is reversed. If you know the position of the coil when the gearing direction was supposed to change, and the position at which it actually changed (the Start Command Position), you can calculate the amount of overshoot, and use it to correct the position of the wire guide relative to the bobbin.
The current speed and direction of an axis in the configured Position Units per second of the axis. It is calculated by averaging the actual velocity of the axis over the configured Average Velocity Timebase for that axis. Average velocity is a signed value with the sign indicating the direction the axis is currently moving. The resolution of the Average Velocity variable is determined by the current value of the Averaged Velocity Timebase parameter, and the configured Conversion Constant (feedback counts per Position Unit) for the axis. The Average Velocity Timebase determines the length over which the Average Velocity is computed. The Average Velocity Time base is the length of time over which the average is computed. The greater the Average Velocity Timebase value, the better the speed resolution, but the slower the response to changes in speed.
The current instantaneously measured speed and direction of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units per second. It is calculated from the current increment to the actual position per coarse update interval. Actual Velocity is a signed floating-point value the sign (+ or -) depends on which direction the axis is currently moving. Its resolution does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution limit on actual velocity is 1 feedback count per coarse update.
The current instantaneously measured acceleration of an axis in the configured axis Position Units per second per second. It is calculated as the current increment to the actual velocity per coarse update interval. Actual Acceleration is a signed floating-point value. Its resolution does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the Conversion Constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution limit on Actual Velocity is 1 feedback count per Coarse Update Period^2.
The current set-point position of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units, as set up in the last, most recently executed, MAW (Motion Arm Watch) instruction for that axis.
Two registration position attributes are provided to independently store axis position associated with two different registration input events. The Registration Position value is the absolute position of a physical axis (in the position units of that axis) at the occurrence of the most recent registration event for that axis.
Feedback position latched on the rising edge of the Registration Input 1.
Feedback Position latched on the falling edge of the Registration Input 1.
Two registration position attributes are provided to independently store axis position associated with two different registration input events. The Registration Position value is the absolute position of a physical axis (in the position units of that axis) at the occurrence of the most recent registration event for that axis.
Feedback position latched on the rising edge of the Registration Input 2.
Feedback Position latched on the falling edge of the Registration Input 2.
The two Registration Time values contain the lower 32-bits of CST time at which their respective registration events occurred. Units for this attribute are in microseconds.
CST Time stamp on the rising edge of the Registration Input 1.
CST Time stamp on the falling edge of the Registration Input 1.
The two Registration Time values contain the lower 32-bits of CST time at which their respective registration events occurred. Units for this attribute are in microseconds.
CST Time stamp on the rising edge of the Registration Input 2.
CST Time stamp on the falling edge of the Registration Input 2.
This attribute is the 32-bit CST time used to calculate the interpolated positions. When this attribute is updated with a valid CST value, the Interpolated Actual Position and Interpolated Command Position values are automatically calculated.
This attribute is the interpolation of the actual position, based on past axis trajectory history, at the time specified by the Interpolation Time attribute.
The interpolation of the commanded position, based on past axis trajectory history, at the time specified by the Interpolation Time attribute.
The position offset that is currently applied to the master side of the position cam. The Master Offset is returned in master position units. The Master Offset shows the same unwind characteristic as the position of a linear axis.
The position offset that was applied to the master side of the position cam when the last Motion Group Strobe Position (MGSP) instruction was executed. The Strobe Master Offset is returned in master position units. The Strobe Master Offset shows the same unwind characteristic as the position of a linear axis.
The position offset that was applied to the master side of the position cam when the last Motion Axis Move (MAM) instruction was executed with the move type set to Absolute Master Offset or Incremental Master Offset. The Start Master Offset is returned in master position units. The Start Master Offset shows the same unwind characteristic as the position of a linear axis.
The desired or commanded position of a physical axis, in the configured Position Units of that axis, as generated by the controller in response to any previous motion Position Control instruction. Command Position data is transferred by a delay of one Coarse Update Period. Thus, the Command Position value that is obtained is the command position that will be acted upon by the physical servo axis one Coarse Update Period from now.
The Strobe Actual Position, Strobe Command Position and Strobe Master Offset, and Strobe Command Position attributes are used to simultaneously store a snapshot of the actual command position and master offset position of an axis when the MGSP instruction is executed. The values are stored in the configured Position Units of the axis.
Whenever a new motion planner instruction starts for an axis (for example, using a MAM instruction), the value of the axis command position and actual position is stored at the precise instant the motion begins. These values are stored as the Start Command Position and Start Actual Position, respectively in the configured Position Units of the axis.
Start Positions are useful to correct for any motion occurring between the detection of an event and the action initiated by the event. For instance, in coil winding applications, Start Command Positions can be used in an expression to compensate for overshooting the end of the bobbin before the gearing direction is reversed. If you know the position of the coil when the gearing direction was supposed to change, and the position at which it actually changed (the Start Command Position), you can calculate the amount of overshoot, and use it to correct the position of the wire guide relative to the bobbin.
This attribute provides tag access to the velocity command for the specified axis. This attribute can be used to directly control the speed of a motor when an associated drive is configured for velocity control mode. For the value of the attribute to be applied as the velocity command, a Motion Drive Start instruction shall be executed, which in turn sets the Direct Velocity Control Status bit of the Motion Status Bits attribute. If this bit is not set, the Direct Command Velocity value has no effect on axis motion. Only CIP Drive Axis data types currently support this capability.
The commanded speed and direction of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units per second, as generated by any previous motion instructions. It is calculated as the current increment to the command position per coarse update interval.
Command Velocity is a signed value. The sign (+ or -) depends on which direction the axis is being commanded to move.
Command Velocity is a signed floating-point value. Its resolution does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution limit on command velocity is 0.00001 feedback counts per coarse update.
The commanded speed and direction of an axis, in the configured axis Position Units per second per second, as generated by any previous motion instructions. It is calculated as the current increment to the command velocity per coarse update interval.
Command Acceleration is a signed value. The sign (+ or -) depends on which direction the axis is being commanded to move. Command Acceleration is a signed floating point value. Its resolution does not depend on the Averaged Velocity Timebase, but rather on the conversion constant of the axis and the fact that the internal resolution limit on command velocity is 0.00001 feedback counts per Coarse Update Period per Coarse Update Period
Output from Fine Command Generator (if active) into torque input summing junction when configured for torque control.
The output value from the Command Position fine interpolator.
The command position reference signal into the position loop-summing junction to be compared with a position feedback signal.
The actual position of the encoder.
The actual position of the encoder.
The error between commanded and actual position that is the output of the position loop-summing junction.
The output of position integrator representing the contribution of the position integrator to Position Loop Output.
The output of the position loop forward path representing the total control effort of the position loop.
The output value from the Command Velocity fine interpolator. When no Command Velocity signal is present when performing position control, this signal can be derived by scaling the Differential Position output value of the Command Position fine interpolator.
A command signal that represents a scaled version of the command velocity profile. This signal is the Velocity Fine Command signal scaled by Velocity Feedforward Gain and applied to the output of the position loop.
Command velocity reference into velocity loop summing junction.
The velocity-summing junction based on Control Mode selection.
Error between the velocity reference and velocity feedback value that is the output of the velocity loop-summing junction.
Output of velocity integrator representing the contribution of the velocity integrator to Velocity Loop Output.
Output of velocity forward path representing the total control effort of the velocity loop.
The output value from the Command Acceleration fine interpolator. When no Command Acceleration signal is present when performing position or velocity control, this signal can be derived by scaling the Differential Velocity output value of the Command Velocity fine interpolator. If no Command Velocity signal is present, the Interpolated Command Acceleration signal can be derived by scaling the 2nd Differential Position output value of the Command Position fine interpolator.
A signal that represents a scaled version of the command acceleration profile. This signal is the Acceleration Fine Command signal scaled by Acceleration Feedforward Gain and applied to the output of the velocity loop.
Command velocity reference into velocity loop summing junction.
Actual velocity of the axis applied to the velocity-summing junction based on Control Mode selection.
Output of the Load Observer that, when the Load Observer block is enabled, is applied to the acceleration reference-summing junction. In the Load Observer configuration, this signal compensates for disturbances to the load relative to an ideal load model. When the Load Observer is configured to operate in Acceleration Feedback Only mode, this signal is the estimated acceleration feedback signal used to close the acceleration loop. When the Load Observer is disabled, this signal is 0.
Product of the Load Observer Acceleration Estimate signal and the current System Inertia value, Kj. In the Load Observer configuration, this signal represents the estimated torque disturbances to the load relative to an ideal load model. When the Load Observer is configured to operate in Acceleration Feedback Only mode, this signal is an estimate of the applied motor torque. When the Load Observer is disabled, this signal is 0.
Commanded torque reference input signal before torque filter section representing the sum of the Torque Command and Torque Trim signal inputs.
Commanded torque reference input signal after torque filter section.
Commanded torque reference input signal after torque limiter section.
Current reference signal, Iq, into the torque producing current loop-summing junction.
Represents the instantaneous commanded torque producing current signal, Iq, prior to passing through the Current Vector Limiter. It is tied directly to the output of torque reference path after the 1/Kt scaling that represents the torque effort to be applied to the drive's torque producing Iq current loop. The nominal value for 1/Kt is 1 based on 100% rated torque being produced by 100% rated current.
Actual torque current applied to the axis based on current sensor feedback (% Motor Rated).
Error between commanded and actual current that is the output of the torque producing, q-axis, current loop.
Command current reference, Id, into the flux producing current loop-summing junction.
Actual flux current applied to the axis based on current sensor feedback.
Error between commanded and actual current that is the output of the flux producing, d-axis, current loop summing junction.
Represents the operative current limit based on multiple limit sources.
Represents the operative source of a current limit shall a current limit condition occur.
The calculated electrical angle of the motor based on motor pole count, commutation offset, and selected feedback device.
Indicates the actual amount of slip compensation currently being applied.
The time averaged output frequency applied to motor. Frequency value is in terms of electrical cycles.
The total time averaged output current applied to motor.
The total time averaged phase-to-phase output voltage applied to motor.
The total time averaged output power of the motor. This value is based on the product of the Torque Reference signal and the Velocity Feedback.
Measured DC Bus Voltage.
The real-time estimate of the continuous rated motor thermal capacity utilized during operation based on the motor thermal model. A value of 100% would indicate that the motor is being used at 100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating of the motor.
The real-time estimate of the continuous rated inverter thermal capacity utilized during operation based on the inverter thermal model. A value of 100% would indicate that the inverter is being used at 100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating of the inverter.
The real-time estimate of the continuous rated converter thermal capacity utilized during operation based on the converter thermal model. A value of 100% would indicate that the converter is being used at 100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating of the converter.
The real-time estimate of the continuous rated bus regulator thermal capacity utilized during operation based on the bus regulator thermal model. A value of 100% would indicate that the bus regulator is being used at 100% of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating of the bus regulator.
A 32-bit word with whose bits can be assigned by the vendor to general-purpose digital inputs.
A general-purpose analog input 1 level.
A general-purpose analog input 2 level.
An additional position command added to the Position Command to generate the Position Reference signal into the position loop-summing junction.
Additional velocity command added to the velocity loop-summing junction.
Additional acceleration command added to the acceleration loop-summing junction.
Additional torque command added to the torque input summing junction.
Multiplies the Velocity Feedforward Command signal to form the Velocity Feedforward Command that is applied to the velocity loop-summing junction.
A value that multiplies the Acceleration Fine Command signal to form the Acceleration Feedforward Command that is applied acceleration loop summing junction.
Determines the proportional gain, Kpp, of the position loop that multiplies the Position Error signal. This value represents the unity gain bandwidth of the position loop beyond which the position loop is ineffective.
Determines the position loop integral gain, Kpi, which together with the Kpp, multiplies the integrated Position Error signal. This value represents the bandwidth of the position integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.
A value that determines the proportional gain, Kvp, of the velocity loop that multiplies the Velocity Error signal. This value represents the unity gain bandwidth of the velocity loop.
Determines the velocity loop integral gain, Kvi, which together with the Kvp, multiplies the integrated Velocity Error signal. This value represents the bandwidth of the velocity integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.
Determines the proportional gain, Kop, of the load observer. This value represents the unity gain bandwidth of the load observer.
Determines the load observer integral gain, Koi, which together with the Kop, multiplies the integrated error signal within the observer. This value represents the bandwidth of the integrator beyond which the integrator is ineffective. A value of 0 for this attribute disables the integrator.
This positive value determines the maximum positive torque that can be applied to the motor. If the device attempts to exceed this value, the torque command is clamped to this value.
This negative value determines the most negative torque value that can be applied to the motor. If the device attempts to apply a more negative torque than this limit, the torque command is clamped to this value.
Controls the bandwidth of the Low Pass Filter applied to the Velocity Error signal. Recommended implementation is a two-pole IIR filter. A value of 0 for this attribute disabled this feature.
Break frequency for the 2nd order low pass filter applied to torque reference signal.
Torque or force scaling gain value that converts commanded acceleration into equivalent rated torque/force. Properly set, this value represents the total system inertia or mass.
Injected torque producing current command used to excite motor as part of Frequency Analysis service.
A 32-bit word whose bits can be assigned by the vendor to general-purpose digital outputs.
A general-purpose analog output 1 level
A general-purpose analog output 2 level
0 = Initializing
1 = Pre-Charge
2 = Stopped
3 = Starting
4 = Running
5 = Testing
6 = Stopping
7 = Aborting
8 = Faulted
9 = Start Inhibited
10 = Shutdown
11 = Axis Inhibited
12 = Not Grouped
13 = No Module
14…255 = Reserved
0 = Local Control
1 = Alarm
2 = DC Bus Up
3 = Power Structure Enabled
4 = Motor Flux Up
5 = Tracking Command
6 = Position Lock
7 = Velocity Lock
8 = Velocity Standstill
9 = Velocity Threshold
10 = Velocity Limit
11 = Acceleration Limit
12 = Deceleration Limit
13 = Torque Threshold
14 = Torque Limit
15 = Current Limit
16 = Thermal Limit
17 = Feedback Integrity
18 = Shutdown
19 = In Process
20 = DC Bus Unload
21 = AC Power Loss
22 = Position Control Mode
23 = Velocity Control Mode
24 = Torque Control Mode
25-31 = Reserved
Set if axis is taking command reference and services from local interface instead of the remote (CIP Motion) interface.This bit is based on the current state of the Remote Mode bit of the Node Status attribute.
Set if the axis has detected one or more exception conditions configured to generate an alarm based. This bit is clear if there are no current axis alarm conditions.
Set for a drive axis if the DC Bus has charged up to an operational voltage level based on direct measurement and, if applicable, the Converter Bus Up Status bit associated with external CIP Motion converter(s) supplying DC Bus power to this device is also set. If the drive’s Bus Configuration attribute is set to “Shared DC - Non CIP Converter” the drive may also check the status of its associated external Non-CIP Motion converter. When a drive axis is in the Pre-Charge state, the transition of the DC Bus Up status bit from 0 to 1 initiates a state transition to the Stopped State (drive axis). Once set, the DC Bus wp bit is cleared when the DC Bus voltage has dropped below an operational voltage level or when the Converter Bus Up Status bit associated with external CIP Motion converter(s) supplying DC Bus power to this device is cleared.
For a converter axis, this bit is set if the DC Bus has charged up to an operational voltage level based on direct measurement alone. When a converter axis is in the Pre-Charge state, the transition of the DC Bus Up status bit from 0 to 1 initiates a state transition to the Running state. Once set, the DC Bus Up bit is cleared when the DC Bus voltage has dropped below an operational voltage level, independent of the state of the Converter Bus Up Status bit.
Set if the axis amplifier is energized and capable of generating motor flux and torque. The value of the Power Structure Enabled bit is determined by the Axis State and the configured Stopping Action attribute value.
Set if motor flux for an induction motor has reached an operational level. Transition of the Motor Flux Up bit is initiated in the Starting State according to the configured Flux Up Control attribute value. This bit is only applicable to Induction Motor types.
Set if the axis control structure is now actively tracking the command reference from motion planner. The Tracking Command bit is directly associated with the Running state of the Axis State Model.
Set if the actual position is within Position Lock Tolerance of command position.
Set if the velocity feedback signal is within Velocity Lock Tolerance of the unlimited velocity reference.
Set if the velocity feedback signal is within Velocity Standstill Window of 0. For a Frequency Control drive this bit is set if the velocity reference signal is within Velocity Standstill Window of 0.
Set if the absolute velocity feedback signal is below Velocity Threshold. For a Frequency Control drive this bit is set if the absolute velocity reference signal is below Velocity Threshold.
Set if the velocity reference signal is currently being limited by the Velocity Limiter.
Set if the acceleration reference signal is currently being limited by the Acceleration Limiter.
Set if the acceleration reference signal is currently being limited by the Deceleration Limiter.
Set if the absolute filtered torque reference is above the Torque Threshold.
Set if the filtered torque reference is currently being limited by the Torque Limiter.
Set if the command current, Iq, is currently being limited by the Current Vector Limiter.
Set if Current Vector Limit condition of the axis is being limited by any of the axis's Thermal Models or I
T Thermal Protection functions.
When set, indicates that the feedback device is accurately reflecting changes to axis position, and there have been no conditions detected that would compromise the quality of the feedback position value. The bit is set at power up assuming that the feedback device passes any power-up self test required. If Feedback Integrity is cleared, the Axis Homed Status attribute is also cleared. This prevents Soft Overtravel checking. If during operation a feedback exception occurs that could impact the fidelity of axis position, the bit is immediately cleared. The bit remains clear until either a fault reset is executed by the drive or the drive is power cycled. Fault Resets can be generated directly by the drive or initiated by the controller via motion instructions.
The Feedback Integrity bit behavior applies to both absolute and incremental feedback device operation.
Set when the axis is in the shutdown state or in the faulted state but would transition to the shutdown state if the faults were cleared. Therefore, the Shutdown bit is closely associated with the Shutdown State of the Axis State Model.
Set for the duration of an active process. An example of active process would be an operation initiated by a Run Motor Test, Run Hookup Test, or Run Inertia Test request service. An active process that requires the enabling of the axis power structure results in a transition to the Testing State of the Axis State Model
Set by a CIP Motion converter, or a CIP Motion drive containing an integral converter, or a CIP Motion drive connected to an external non-CIP converter to indicate that the converter cannot continue supplying DC Bus power to other drives on a shared DC Bus. This is usually the result of a shutdown fault action initiated by the drive or converter, or a shutdown request from the controller. Thus, when the DC Bus Unload bit is set, the Shutdown bit (bit 18) should also be set. When there is no AC Contactor Enable output to drop the DC Bus, a method is needed to unload the converter from all other drives sharing the DC Bus. By monitoring the DC Bus Unload status bit, the control system can propagate Bus Power Sharing exceptions to all drives on the shared DC Bus that are configured for Shared AC/DC or Shared DC operation. This Bus Power Sharing exception invokes the configured Exception Action that, by default, disables the drive power structure, thereby unloading the bus. The Bus Power Sharing Fault on these drives is a persistent fault that cannot be cleared as long as the DC Bus Unload bit is set on this originating drive or converter. The control system shall simply regenerate the Bus Power Sharing Faults based on the DC Bus Unload status bit still being set.
Note that only the originating drive or converter with the DC Bus Unload condition can cause Bus Power Sharing Faults on other shared drives. In other words, no device with a Bus Power Sharing Fault can cause a Bus Power Sharing exception on other shared drives by setting its DC Bus Unload bit. This qualification prevents DC Bus recovery deadlock. To recover full DC Bus operation, the originating drive with the DC Bus Unload condition must first be reset via a Shutdown Reset Request. Once clear, the Bus Power Sharing Faults on the shared drives can then be successfully cleared by either a Fault Reset Request, or a Shutdown Reset Request, allowing these drives to become operational.
Set when a CIP Motion converter, or a CIP Motion drive containing an integral converter, or a CIP Motion drive connected to an external non-CIP converter, has detected a loss of AC input power. This bit is cleared when AC input power is determined to be sufficient for converter operation.
When an AC Power Loss condition is detected by a converter supplying power to other drives over a shared DC Bus, a method is needed to generate a Converter AC Power Loss exception on any drive whose power structure is enabled. To accomplish this, the control system monitors the AC Power Loss status bits of converters supplying DC Bus power and propagates AC Power Loss status to all drives on the shared DC Bus, i.e. drives that are configured for Shared AC/DC or Shared DC operation. Upon notification of AC Power Loss, drives that have enabled power structures shall assert a Converter AC Power Loss exception and invoke the programmed Axis Exception Action. Disabled drives shall not generate an exception action on AC Power Loss. Thus, no drive faults shall occur on removal of AC Power from a converter as long as no drive power structures drawing power from that converter are enabled.
Set when the axis position is being actively controlled by the Position Loop. Position Control Mode is only applicable when the axis is enabled and using the PI Vector Control Method. The “Position Control Mode” status bit is cleared whenever the active Control Mode is changed from Position Control to Velocity Control or Torque Control, This status bit is clear if the drive axis is disabled.
Set when the axis velocity is being actively controlled by the Velocity Loop. Velocity Control Mode is only applicable when the drive axis is enabled and using the PI Vector Control Method. The “Velocity Control Mode” status bit is cleared whenever the active Control Mode is changed from Velocity Control to Position Control or Torque Control, This status bit is clear if the drive axis is disabled.
Set when the axis velocity is being actively controlled by the Torque (Current) Loop. Torque Control Mode is only applicable when the drive axis is enabled and using the PI Vector Control Method. The “Torque Control Mode” status bit is cleared whenever the active Control Mode is changed from Torque Control to Position Control or Velocity Control, This status bit is clear if the drive axis is disabled.
0 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Detected
1 = Torque Notch Filter Tuning Unsuccessful
2 = Torque Notch Filter Multiple Frequencies
3 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Below Limit
4 = Torque Notch Filter Frequency Above Limit
5 = Adaptive Tune Gain Stabilization Active
6…31 = Reserved
Set when the Adaptive Tuning function has detected a resonance frequency between the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit with magnitude above the Toque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions to the Running state.
When the Adaptive Tuning Configuration is set to Enabled, this bit is set when an update to the Torque Notch Filter Estimate, applied to the Torque Notch Filter, does not eliminate all resonances between the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit with magnitude above the Toque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions to the Running state or, when in the Running state, the Adaptive Tuning Configuration transitions from Disabled to one of the Torque Notch Filter Tuning enumerations.
Set when the Adaptive Tuning function identifies multiple resonant frequencies that are between the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit and the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit whose magnitudes are above the Toque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions to the Running state.
Set when the Adaptive Tuning function identifies a frequency that is below the Torque Notch Filter Low Frequency Limit but whose magnitude is higher than the configured Toque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions to the Running state.
Set when the Adaptive Tuning function identifies a frequency that is above the Torque Notch Filter High Frequency Limit but whose magnitude is higher than the configured Toque Notch Filter Tuning Threshold. Otherwise, the bit is clear.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions from disabled to enabled operation.
Set when the Adaptive Tune Gain Scaling Factor is not equal to one. This indicates that the Adaptive Tuning function is actively adjusting servo loop gain values and the Torque Low Pass Filter Bandwidth value to improve system stability.
This bit is cleared by the Adaptive Tuning function when the Axis state transitions to the Running state.
The CIP Axis I/O Status attribute is a 32-bit collection of bits indicating the state of standard digital inputs and outputs associated with the operation of this motion axis. A value of zero for a given input bit indicates a logical 0 (false) value, while a value of 1 indicates a logical 1 (true) value. For example a value of 1 for the Positive Overtravel OK Input indicates that Positive Overtravel OK is true and there is no positive overtravel condition present. Conversely a value of 0 would indicate the Positive Overtravel OK Input is false and there is a positive overtravel condition present. Similarly, a value of 1 (true) for the Mechanical Brake Release Output indicates that the mechanical brake is released. Any status bits that are not applicable shall be set to 0.
0 = Enable Input
1 = Home Input
2 = Registration 1 Input
3 = Registration 2 Input
4 = Positive Overtravel OK Input
5 = Negative Overtravel OK Input
6 = Feedback 1 Thermostat OK Input
7 = Resistive Brake Release Output
8 = Mechanical Brake Release Output
9 = Motor Thermostat OK Input
10...31 = Reserved
Represents the logical state of the Enable Input.
Represents the logical state of the Home Input.
Represents the logical state of the Registration 1 Input.
Represents the logical state of the Registration 2 Input.
Represents the logical state of the Positive Overtravel OK Input.
Represents the logical state of the Negative Overtravel OK Input.
Represents the logical state of the Thermostat OK input associated with the motor mounted Feedback 1 device.
Represents the logical state of the Resistive Brake Release Output.
Represents the logical state of the Mechanical Brake Release Output.
Represents the logical state of the Motor Thermostat OK Input.
The CIP Axis I/O Status RA attribute is a 32-bit collection of Rockwell Automation specific bits indicating the state of standard digital inputs and outputs associated with the operation of this motion axis. A value of zero for a given input bit indicates a logical 0 value, while a value of 1 indicates a logical 1 value. Any status bits that are not applicable shall be set to 0.
0 = Regenerative Power OK Input
1 = Bus Capacitor Module OK Input
2 = Shunt Thermal Switch OK Input
3 = Contactor Enable Output
4 = Pre-Charge OK Input
5...31 = Reserved
Represents the logical state of the Regenerative Power Input.
Represents the logical state of the Bus Capacitor Module Input.
Represents the logical state of the Shunt Thermal Switch Input.
Represents the logical state of the Contactor Enable Output.
Represents the logical state of the Pre-Charge Input.
Represents the logical state of the Regenerative Power Input
The CIP Start Inhibits attribute is a 16-bit collection that specifies the current state of all standard conditions that inhibits starting of the axis
0 = Reserved - Do not use
1 = Axis Enable Input
2 = Motor Not Configured
3 = Feedback Not Configured
4 = Commutation Not Configured
5 = Safe Torque
6…15 = Reserved
Axis Enable Input is not active.
The associated motor has not been configured for use.
The associated feedback device has not been configured. The offending feedback channel is encoded in the associated Fault/Alarm Sub Code.
The associated PM motor commutation function has not been configured for use.
The integrated Safe Torque Off safety function is active based on the Safe Torque Off Active bit (bit 3) of the Axis Safety Status attribute being set.
The CIP Start Inhibits RA attribute is a 16-bit collection that specifies the current state of all Rockwell Automation specific conditions that inhibits starting of the axis.
0 = Reserved - Do not use.
1 = Volts Hertz Curve Definition
2 = Motor Feedback Required
3 = Speed Limit Configuration
4 = Torque Prove Configuration
5 = Safe Torque Off
6 = Safety Reset Required
7 = Safety Not Configured
8 = Stop Command Active
9 = Feedback Device Reset
10 = Device Malfunction
11…15 = Reserved
Conflict exists in the V/Hz curve definition.
Cannot run using the selected motor control mode with Primary Feedback or Alternate Feedback set as open loop.
Speed Ref Limit Conflict, either Minimum Forward Speed Limit exceeds Maximum Forward Speed Limit, or Minimum Reverse Speed Limit exceeds Maximum Reverse Speed Limit.
When Proving Configuration is enabled, Control Mode, Feedback Mode, Motor Feedback Type and Motor Option Configuration must be properly set.
The safety function has disabled the power structure.
The safety reset input needs to be toggled before the safety board will allow motion again.
The embedded safety function of the drive has not been configured.
There is an active Stop Command present. For example the Stop button on the drive is being held active. This inhibit condition prevents the drive from Starting for as long as the Stop Command remains active.
The feedback device is being reset. A feedback device reset process is typically performed after a Feedback Loss condition. This inhibit condition prevents the drive from Starting for as long as the feedback reset process take to complete.
This start inhibit is set when the Auto Sag function is enabled and brake slip is detected based on motor movement exceeding the configured Brake Slip Tolerance while the mechanical brake is engaged. This generally indicates that the mechanical brake may not be capable of holding the load.
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