Monitor and command an equipment phase

The Equipment Phase Monitor provides an overview of the equipment phases in the controller. Use it during system commissioning or troubleshooting to view the equipment phase execution and to take control of an equipment phase when sending commands to it.
  • On the left side of the window is a list of all of the scheduled equipment phases in the controller to select one of the phases to view in its current state.
  • A little hand to the left of the equipment phase name indicates that the equipment phase is owned by the running session of the
    Logix Designer
  • A check mark with the inhibitor icon (ebx_180852452) indicates that the equipment phase is owned and inhibited; if the equipment phase is not owned by this session, only the inhibitor icon appears.
To monitor and command an equipment phase:
  1. Select the OwnershipButton button to take ownership of the equipment phase.
    Taking ownership means that this application now has the ability to command this equipment phase; other sequencers are not allowed to command this equipment. The number in parentheses next to the owner type indicates the number of owners of this type that have ownership of this equipment phase.
    When selecting this button, the display updates to indicate that the application now has ownership, and the hyperlinks in the monitor window become active.
    If there is a programming error in the logic of an internal sequencer or an abnormal system error during operation, right-click on this button and choose to
    Clear All Owners
    . Confirm this choice.
  2. Select the hyperlink for the command to send to the equipment phase (for example,
    The equipment phase then executes the command. For example, selecting the
    command might cause the equipment phase to transition from the Idle state to the Running state. The Running state then executes on the next scan of the equipment phase.
    Double-click an implemented phase state (for example, Running) to navigate directly to the logic. Right-clicking an implemented phase state gives several additional options; right-clicking an unimplemented phase state gives different options.
    • Open the equipment phase’s Stopping routine.
    • Take ownership of the equipment phase.
    • Send a Stop command to the equipment phase.
    • Troubleshoot the Stopping logic, which is now executing.
    • Release ownership of the equipment phase when finished with troubleshooting.
Use the Online Phase Command toolbar:
The Online Phase Command toolbar is visible when online with the
Logix Designer
application and a routine of an equipment phase opens in one of the language editors.
Use this toolbar to control an equipment phase while viewing one of the routines in the phase. Troubleshoot the phase logic by commanding the equipment phase appropriately to cause it to execute the logic of the routine. For example, to troubleshoot an equipment phase’s Stopping routine:
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