Monitor a transition using the Equipment Sequence Monitor

A transition has several displayed attributes and status. The transition name and expression are defined when the sequence is configured and static when the sequence is online. The display state and firing attribute are dynamic and update as the transition executes.
Transition Name
The name of the transition is assigned by the Equipment Sequence Editor. It is an incremented value beginning with Tran_000.
Transition Display State
The transition display state is indicated by the color of the transition.
For more information about transition display states, see
Transition display states
Transition Expression
Transition expressions define the criteria to STOP, RESET, and detach all preceding steps and their associated Equipment Phases and attach and START the Equipment Phases and steps. The expression must always evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE.
Transition Firing Attribute
The Transition Firing Attribute is only displayed when the transition is in the FIRING state, which means the expression has evaluated TRUE. The firing attribute is a subset of the FIRING state and gives a visual indication of the current state.
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