Import/Paste Configuration dialog - Configure Connections tab settings

The table describes the settings and information displayed on the
Configure Connections
tab during an import.
Identifies an endpoint of the connection. The parameter identified in this box is the parameter in the import content that is to be connected to another parameter in the program that exists in the project.
New Connection
option is available if the import content contains only one program. You can create connections that are not part of the import content by connecting a program parameter in the import content to an endpoint connection in a program that is in the project. The result is a new connection that did not previously exist in the import content nor in the program in the project.
Type the parameter name for the new connection or click DropDownArrowIcon to make a selection from the tag browser. Because only parameters that are in the import content are valid for the
box, only the parameters that reside in the import content will be listed in the tag browser.
When both the parameter and final connection have been specified, the connection is added to the connection grid after you move off the
New Connection
row or after you press
. If you enter an invalid parameter, the connection is not created and the error indicator appears in the leftmost column. Point to the error indicator to see a description for the cause of the error.
New Connection
option is not available when you are importing:
  • A hierarchy (parent program with child programs)
  • Multiple programs
Data Type
The data type of the parameter. A parameter can only be connected to a tag or a parameter with the same data type or an error occurs when you verify the program.
Shows the usage type as
, or
Import Connection
Shows the name of the connection endpoint for the parameter from the import file. This box is blank if the connection is only defined in the program that exists in the project.
LogDesPIODiffIcon Differences
Indicates if there are differences between the program that is in the import content and the program that is in the project.
Also identifies if the program exists in the import content, or if it exists in the program that is in the project.
Click the browse button in the
column to see more extensive component properties.
There are two at-a-glance indications of how the imported content matches the content of the program that exists in the project:
  • sources_only (2) Indicates a connection that is present in the import content and not in the project.
  • destination_only Indicates a connection that is present in the project and not in the import content.
Point to the differences icon for a connection to see a tooltip that provides details about the connection.
Identifies whether the connection will or will not be made upon import of the program into the project.
  • Connect - Upon import of the program, the connections that are defined in the import content will be created in the program that exists in the project. This is the default value when the connections between the parameter and the final connection are valid.
  • Disconnect - Upon import of the project, the connections that are defined in the import content will not be created in the program that exists in the project. This is the default value when the connections between the parameter and the final connection are
Operation box example.
  • Prog1 = import content
  • Prog2 = the program that exists in the project
    Connection in Imported File
    Operation Value
    Connection in Project File
    This connection exists in both the import content and in the program in the project and the connection is the same.
    \Prog1.InB is connected in both the import content and in the program that is in the project and the connection is different.
    There are two separate entries in the Connections grid.
    This connection exists only in the import content.
    This connection exists only in the program that is in the project.
LogDesPIODetailsIcon Details
Select dots (2) to open the
Connection Properties
dialog, which lists parameter and connection properties.
Final Connection
The parameter in the existing project that the import parameter will be connected to. If a connection in the
grid is only in the existing project, the value in the
Final Connection
box cannot be changed.
You can change the value in the
Final Connection
box based on the value in the
box. You can type the final connection name or click DropDownArrowIcon to make a selection from the tag browser. If the parameter is a MODULE InOut parameter, the module browser appears instead of the tag browser.
If you enter an invalid final connection, the error indicator appears in the left column. Point to the error indicator to see a description for the cause of the error.
Final Connection example.
  • Prog1 = import content
  • Prog2 = the program that exists in the project
    Connection in Imported File
    Operation Value
    Connection in Project File
    Final Connection Box
    Value can be changed
    This connection exists in both the import content and in the program in the project and the connection is the same.
    Value can be changed
    \Prog1.InB is connected in both the import content and in the program that is in the project and the connection is different.
    Value cannot be changed
    There are two separate entries in the Connections grid.
    Value can be changed
    This connection exists only in the import content.
    Value cannot be changed
    This connection exists only in the program that is in the project.
Messages about the import status appear below the grid.
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