Bridge DNS configuration

When using custom DNS management or services that handle DNS, consider the impact on internet access after creating a bridge for the physical network adapter. To help prevent any connection issues, follow these steps to enable proper DNS configuration:
  1. Default DNS for the Bridge:
    • By default, the bridge uses the DNS specified in
      under the
    • If you encounter issues with Internet access, verify that the DNS settings are correctly configured for the bridge.
  2. Customize DNS Settings:
    • Open a terminal and use the following command by replacing
      with the actual DNS IP address:
      sudo resolvectl dns bridgeAdapterName <DNSIP>
      This sets the DNS directly on the network adapter associated with the bridge.
  3. Systemd Service Considerations:
    • The
      automatically sets
      as the nameserver and waits for address resolution. If the
      is active, follow these steps:
      • Edit the
        resolved configuration file:
        sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
      • Look for the line:
      • Specify the desired DNS IP address without modifying the default address (
        ) in
NOTE: Replace
with the actual DNS IP address that you want to use.
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