Configure Point-to-Point VPN on the Runtime

In scenarios where the VPN is restricted solely to remote devices, and there is no need to access subnets, consider using the virtual adapter or point-to-point VPN installed on the Runtime. This approach avoids the need for a physical adapter and simplifies the VPN topology to a point-to-point configuration.
To enable the point-to-point VPN on the Runtime, proceed as follows:
Add the value
to the
field in your configuration:
<Param Name="VPNAdapterNameList" Value="tapFEA" />
IMPORTANT: If you have an active security system, such as the ufw firewall based on iptables, take the following precautions:
  • Runthe following command to disable ufw:
    sudo ufw disable
  • Configure iptables to allow traffic from and to the specified subnet:
    sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT
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