Configure Input Delay 1794-IA8I

Configure Input Delay 1794-IA8I

Use this feature to set a delay in responding to transitions useful for filtering out transients in noisy environments. You can select a value (in milliseconds) by which to delay the transition from On to Off or from Off to On. The values in milliseconds for the Off to On transition begin at 8.6ms and end at 78ms. The values in milliseconds for the On to Off transition begin at 26.6ms and end at 96ms. When either the Off->On or the On->Off is selected, the other is automatically set at the same time for the same input points.
To configure the Input Delay Time on FLEX I/O digital modules 1794-IA8I:
  1. Select a value (in milliseconds) by clicking the down arrow in the Input Delay Time (ms) – On->Off/Off->On list boxes.
  2. Click:
    • OK to accept your edits and close the dialog.
    • Cancel to cancel your edits and close the dialog.
    • Apply to apply your edits and continue editing.
    • Help for Help on this tab.
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