Controller Properties dialog box - Minor Faults tab settings

The settings on the
Minor Faults
tab of the
Controller Properties
dialog box display minor fault information that occurs in the controller and fault bits that have a specific fault type assigned to them.
The ability to change the settings on this tab can be controlled by
FactoryTalk Security
If selecting a
Fault Bits
check box that is not set, it writes to the controller and turns on the corresponding bit in the MinorFaultBits attribute in the FaultLog object. This gives a false indication that a minor fault is logged.
Number of Minor Faults Since Last Cleared
Displays the number of minor fault events reported since the log was last cleared.
Recent Faults
Displays a description of the last eight minor faults that occurred. These faults are stored in reverse chronological order. When offline, this field contains the stored contents of the last online session.
Clear Minors
Clears the Minor Fault log.
Fault Bits
Lists the minor fault bits that have a specific fault type assigned to them. If the bit is set, the check box is selected. These check boxes are not filters; they correspond to the MinorFaultBits attribute in the FaultLog object.
When offline, these check boxes are unavailable, but display the contents of the last online session.
The fault bit for backup energy depends on the device the controller uses to save the project upon power loss. The fault bit is either:
  • Energy Storage, or
  • UPS (uninterruptable power supply)
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