Failed to modify Safety Lock State.

There was a problem when you attempted to change the Safety Lock State. The error message you receive indicates one of the following conditions:
Invalid password
You entered an invalid password. Enter a new password and try the change of state again.
Password mismatch
The password you entered does not match the password configured for the state to which you are trying to change. For example, to change to the Locked state, you must enter the password designated for that state.
Invalid partnership between Primary controller and Safety Partner
While online, a valid partnership must exist between the Primary controller and the Safety Partner.
Invalid keyswitch position
While online, the controller keyswitch must be in the REM or PROG position.
Forces exist on Safety I/O, produced, or consumed Safety tags
No forces can exist on Safety I/O, produced, or consumed Safety tags, including connection status. Disable forces and try again.
Pending edits exist in the Safety application
No pending edits can exist in Safety routines. Test edits are permitted.
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