Sequential Function Chart Online Editing
Logix Designer
application allows online edits to the sequential function chart routines from within the Sequential Function Chart editor window. To make an online change, start a pending edit from within the routine.Online edits in Sequential Function Chart programming are defined as any change that is downloaded to the controller. In other words, any change to the routine or the order of steps within the routine. An online edit includes items such as changing, adding, and deleting language elements, editing transitions between language elements, changing the size and shape of a text box. this information is stored in the controller to allow the sequential function chart program to be reconstructed upon upload.
When you download an offline controller file to the controller, any pending edits present in the offline controller file are assembled and become active.
Each sequential function chart routine in the online edit state can have up to three views:
- Original View.This view option is available when there are pending edits and/or test edits for a routine, but you wish to see the original version of the routine. Clicking on this view displays the original routine image from the controller (for example, before making any edits). This view is read-only.
- Pending Edits View.This view is created when beginning a pending edit to a routine, and displays any edits made. Before any edits are made, this view’s content is identical to that of the Original view. The pending edits view is stored in the workstation database and is not downloaded to the controller until the pending edits are accepted. The pending edits view represents the workstation’s local image of the routine edits. This view is visible only to the person performing those edits. If online edits are made to an SFC routine and those edits require an SFC reset in addition to a stored actions reset, the Pending Edits View displays a Reset icon and an SFC Reset Warning message appears. Use the SFC Reset Warning message to navigate to the Reset Element Browser dialog and review the edited steps that require an SFC reset.
- Test Edits View.the test routine image in the controller. The Test Edits view is read-only. If online edits are made to an SFC routine that require an SFC reset, the Test Edits View displays a Reset icon and an SFC Reset Warning message appears. Use the SFC Reset Warning message to navigate to the Reset Element Browser dialog and review the edited steps that require an SFC reset.
When switching between the Test and Untest online edit state, the control switches between the versions of the routine shown in the Test Edits View and the Original View. For example, when switching control from the Original View to the Test Edits View, the values of any SFC elements in the Test Edits View are initially in the same state they were left in by the logic in the Original View. Add initialization logic where appropriate to allow elements to start controlling the process correctly when they are activated by testing and untesting edits.
When testing or untesting online SFC routine edits, some edits may result in an SFC reset and a reset of stored actions, while other edits may not require a reset. If the edits require a reset, a Reset icon and an SFC Reset Warning message appear in the SFC Routine Editor window.
When you change parameter values in an SFC element, the values change in all views of the routine. For example, if changing a parameter value in the Test Edits View, the parameter value also changes in the Original View, even if the Original View is the routine version actually running in the controller.
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