Use the WHILE_DO loop to continue performing an action while certain conditions are true.
WHILE bool_expression DO
Structured Text
BOOL tag or expression that evaluates to a BOOL value
Do not iterate within the loop too many times in a single scan.
The controller does not execute any other statements in the routine until it completes the loop.
A major fault occurs when completing the loop takes longer than the watchdog timer for the task.
Consider using a different construct, such as IF_THEN.
The syntax is:
The following diagrams illustrate how a WHILE_DO loop executes, and how an EXIT statement leaves the loop early.
While Do executes
While Do
While the bool_expression is true, the controller
executes only the statements within the WHILE_DO loop.
To stop the loop before the conditions are true, use an EXIT statement.
Affects Math Status Flags
Fault Conditions
A major fault will occur if
Fault type
Fault code
the construct loops too long
Example 1
If performing the following,
Enter this structured text
The WHILE_DO loop evaluates its conditions first. If the conditions are true, the controller then executes the statements within the loop.
This differs from the REPEAT_UNTIL loop because the REPEAT_UNTIL loop executes the statements in the construct and then determines if the conditions are true before executing the statements again. The statements in a REPEAT_UNTIL loop are always executed at least once. The statements in a WHILE_DO loop might never be executed.
pos := 0;
While ((pos <= 100) & structarray[pos].value <> targetvalue)) do
pos := pos + 2;
String_tag.DATA[pos] := SINT_array[pos];
Example 2
If performing the following,
Enter this structured text
Move ASCII characters from a SINT array into a string tag. (In a SINT array, each element holds one character.) Stop when you reach the carriage return.
Initialize Element_number to 0.
Count the number of elements in SINT_array (array that contains the ASCII characters) and store the result in SINT_array_size (DINT tag).
If the character at SINT_array[element_number] = 13 (decimal value of the carriage return), then stop.
Set String_tag[element_number] = the character at
Add 1 to element_number. This lets the controller check the next character in SINT_array.
Set the Length member of String_tag = element_number. (This records the number of characters in String_tag so far.)
If element_number = SINT_array_size, then stop. (You are at the end of the array and it does not contain a carriage return.)
element_number := 0;
SIZE(SINT_array, 0, SINT_array_size);
While SINT_array[element_number] <> 13 do
String_tag.DATA[element_number] := SINT_array[element_number];
element_number := element_number + 1;
String_tag.LEN := element_number;
If element_number = SINT_array_size then
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