Access the SerialPort object
The SerialPort object provides an interface to the serial communication port.
Attribute | Data Type | Instruction | Description |
BaudRate | DINT | GSV | Specifies the baud rate. Valid values are 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 (default). |
ComDriverID | SINT | GSV | Specifies the specific driver. Each value has a specific meaning:
DataBits | SINT | GSV | Specifies the number of bits of data per character. Each value has a specific meaning:
DCDDelay | INT | GSV | Specifies the amount of time to wait for the data carrier detect (DCD) to become low before erroring the packet. The delay is in counts of 1 s packets. Default is 0 counter. |
Parity | SINT | GSV | Specifies the parity. Each value has a specific meaning:
RTSOffDelay | INT | GSV | Amount of time to delay turning off the RTS line after the last character has been transmitted. Valid value: 0...32,767 Delay in counts of 20 msec periods. The default is 0 msec. |
RTSSendDelay | INT | GSV | Amount of time to delay transmitting the first character of a message after turning on the RTS line. Valid value: 0...32,767 Delay in counts of 20 msec periods. The default is 0 msec. |
StopBits | SINT | GSV | Specifies the number of stop bits. Each value has a specific meaning:
PendingBaudRate | DINT | SSV | Pending value for the BaudRate attribute. |
PendingCOM DriverID | SINT | SSV | Pending value for the COMDriverID attribute. |
PendingDataBits | SINT | SSV | Pending value for the DataBits attribute. |
PendingDCD Delay | INT | SSV | Pending value for the DCDDelay attribute. |
PendingParity | SINT | SSV | Pending value for the Parity attribute. |
PendingRTSOff Delay | INT | SSV | Pending value for the RTSOffDelay attribute. |
PendingRTSSendDelay | INT | SSV | Pending value for the RTSSendDelay attribute. |
PendingStopBits | SINT | SSV | Pending value for the StopBits attribute. |
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