Module Faults: 16#0300 - 16#03ff

These are the module faults: 16#0300 - 16#03ff
Explanation and Possible Causes/Solutions
Connection Request Error: Out of buffer memory.
One of these conditions may exist:
  • The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - a module in the path is out of memory.
  • The controller may be attempting to connect to a tag in a producing controller that is not marked as being produced.
  • The controller may be attempting to connect to a tag in a producing controller. That tag may not be configured to allow enough consumers.
  • Reduce the size or number of connections through this module.
  • One of the network modules between the module and the controller may be out of memory. Check network configuration of the system.
  • The module may be out of memory. Check system configuration and capabilities of module.
  • The module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
Connection Request Error: Out of communication bandwidth.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - a module in the path has exceeded its communication bandwidth capacity.
Increase the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) and reconfigure your network with
Distribute the load on another bridge module.
Connection Request Error: No bridge available.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - a module in the path has exceeded its communication bandwidth capacity.
Distribute the load on another bridge module.
Not configured to send scheduled data.
The ControlNet module is not scheduled to send data. Use
software to schedule or reschedule the ControlNet network.
Connection Request Error: ControlNet configuration in controller does not match configuration in bridge.
The ControlNet configuration in the controller does not match the configuration in the bridge module. This may occur because a ControlNet module was changed after the network was scheduled, or because a new control program has been loaded into the controller.
software to reschedule the connections.
No ControlNet Configuration Master (CCM) available.
The ControlNet Configuration Master (CCM) cannot be found. The 1756-CNB and PLC-5C modules are the only modules capable of being a CCM and the CCM must be node number 1.
Verify that a 1756-CNB or PLC-5C module is at node number 1 and is functioning properly.
This fault may temporarily occur when the system is powered up and will be cleared when the CCM is located.
Connection Request Error: Invalid port.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error.
Verify that all modules in the I/O Configuration tree are the correct modules.
Connection Request Error: Invalid link address.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - an invalid link address has been specified. A link address can be a slot number, a network address, or the remote I/O chassis number and starting group.
Verify that the chosen slot number for this module is not greater than the size of the rack.
Verify that the ControlNet node number is not greater than the maximum node number configured for the network in
Connection Request Error: Invalid segment type.
The segment type or route is invalid.
  • the controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - the connection request is invalid
  • the module in use (that is, the physical module) is different than the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and is therefore causing the connection or service to fail.
    The fault may occur even when the module passed the electronic keying test. This may result when Disable Keying or Compatible Module options were used in the module configuration instead of the Exact Match option.
    Despite passing the electronic keying test, the module being connected to does not have the same features or settings as the module specified in the I/O configuration tree and does not support the connection or service being attempted.
    Check the module in use and verify that it exactly matches the module specified in the I/O configuration tree of the
    Logix Designer
Connection Request Error: Connection not scheduled.
The controller is attempting to set up a ControlNet connection with the module and has received an error.
software to schedule or reschedule the connection to this module.
Connection Request Error: Invalid link address - cannot route to self.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - the link address is invalid.
Verify that the associated ControlNet module has the correct slot and/or node number selected.
Connection Request Error: No secondary resources available in redundant chassis.
The controller is attempting to set up a connection with the module and has received an error - the redundant module does not have the necessary resources to support the connection.
Reduce the size or number of connections through this module or add another controller or ControlNet module to the system.
Connection Request Error: Rack Connection Refused.
The controller is attempting to set up a Direct connection with the module and has received an error. A Rack Optimized connection has already been established to this module through the 1756-CNB/R in the same chassis.
  • Connect to this module via the 1756-CNB/R in the same chassis.
  • Connect to this module via a different 1756-CNB/R in order to use a Direct connection.
  • Change the first connection from Rack Optimized to Direct, and then reestablish the second direct connection.
  • Connect to this module from a controller in the same chassis as the module (do not connect via 1756-CNB/R.
Connection Request Error: Cannot consume tag.
  • The controller is attempting to connect to a tag in a producing controller and has received an error.
  • The controller is attempting to connect to a tag in a producing controller and that tag has already been used by too many consumers. Increase the maximum number of consumers on the tag.
Connection Request Error: Cannot consume tag.
No SC (servicing controller) connection object was found that corresponds to a symbol instance.
Connection Request Error: Connection point mismatch
A connection point mismatch has occurred.
  • a new connection requested does not match the existing connection. Check the controllers that are using the connection and verify that all the configurations are identical.
  • the connection requested is not a listener or a controlling connection type.
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