ALMA Properties dialog box - Status tab

Use this screen to monitor and acknowledge alarms.
ALMA Status tab properties are:
Level/Rate of Change
The upper pane shows the alarm level conditions (High High, High, Low, Low Low) and the rate of change conditions (Positive, Negative). The number in parentheses is the Alarm Count for that condition.
to acknowledge that condition.
Click a
to shelve that condition.
The Acknowledged and Shelved indicators are blue when the condition has been acknowledged or shelved.
Each condition also displays the In Alarm timestamp for that condition, in the time zone of the current workstation. Time stamps are stored as UTC time in the controller. The
Logix Designer
application converts them to local time for display purposes only, using the current workstation’s time zone settings.
Reset All Alarm Counts
Reset the alarm counts for all conditions.
Status Summary
The middle pane includes the general timestamp and alarm message delivery information.
Acknowledge Time
Displays the time stamp of the most recent alarm acknowledgment, in the time zone of the current workstation.
Return to Normal Time
Displays the time stamp of the most recent transition out of the In Alarm state, in the time zone of the current workstation.
Alarm Count Reset Time
Displays the time stamp of the most alarm count reset operation, in the time zone of the current workstation.
Shelve Time
Displays the time stamp of the most recent alarm shelve operation, in the time zone of the current workstation.
Unshelve Time
Displays the time stamp of the most recent alarm unshelve operation, in the time zone of the current workstation.
Status Pane
The Status pane shows the alarm state. Acknowledge all, disable or enable, or suppress or unsuppress the alarm. This pane also includes Delivery status information and, (when viewed from a Function Block Diagram), execution order.
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