Equipment Phase Monitor

How do I access the
Equipment Phase
To access the
Equipment Phase Monitor
, select an equipment phase in the
Controller Organizer
, right-click, and choose
Monitor Equipment Phase
Also access the
Equipment Phase Monitor
from the main menu by choosing
Tools>Monitor Equipment Phases
To monitor multiple equipment phases running at the same time, use the
Window>New Window
command to open additional
Equipment Phase Montiors
Equipment Phase Monitor
provides an overview of the equipment phases in the controller. Use it during system commissioning or troubleshooting to view equipment phase execution and to take control of an equipment phase when sending commands to it.
The illustration shows the
Equipment Phase
  • A language’s icon appears on a state if the state is implemented. In the example shown here, RUNNING is implemented in Sequential Function Chart (SFC) and HOLDING is implemented in ladder logic.
  • A white-to-blue background indicates states to implement (that is, HOLDING, RESETTING, RESTARTING, STOPPING, and ABORTING).
  • A white-to-gray background indicates states that cannot be implement (that is, IDLE, HELD, COMPLETE, STOPPED, ABORTED).
    and PAUSED sub states have a solid window background.
  • A white-to-green (power) background (for example, RUNNING in the illustration) indicates the active state. When the AUTO-PAUSE, PAUSING, and PAUSED sub states are active, they are illustrated in the same way.
  • When no phase is selected in the
    Equipment Phase
    Monitor (that is, a Phase Monitor is invoked without context, or the currently monitored phase is unscheduled), the connecting arrows and the border of all states are gray until a phase is selected.
  • When online with the controller, the active state of the phase appears in the
    Equipment Phase
    s list to help easily identify the state of each phase. The phase states are the indented text under the phase. In the example, the active states are: RUNNING, HELD, COMPLETE, and IDLE. Additionally, a tooltip displays descriptive information when hovering the cursor over the phase in the
    Equipment Phase
    s list, as shown for the
    phase in the example.
  • For Machine Control, the RUNNING sub-state of the phase is identified as PRODUCING or STANDBY.
    If both sub-states are active at the same time, both of the states are identified:
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