About Source Keys and Logix Designer Application Version Compatibility
To use the same source key file for all versions of the
Logix Designer
application that support the source protection feature, understand these conventions:Source Key and Source Key Name Compatibility with Version 18 and Prior Versions
5000 software version 18 and earlier, source keys follow the IEC-61131 naming convention. The naming convention states that an identifier must include a string of letters, digits, and underline characters that begin with a letter or underline character. Multiple leading or multiple consecutive embedded underlines are not allowed. Trailing underlines are not allowed, and letter case is insignificant.Source keys that are backward compatible with version 18 must use only lowercase. To use the same source keys with version 18 and earlier, and with version 19 and later of the application, begin each source key with a lowercase character a-z. Use only lowercase a-z, 0-9, and the underscore character (_) within the source keys.
Source keys names are valid for the source keys. In version 19 and later, the source key name appears in the application's interface. Version 18 and prior ignores the source key names. These versions require that white space precedes the source key names, which does not comply with IEC-61131 naming conventions.
Text that is not IEC61131-compliant is ignored by
5000 software version 18 and earlier. Any text, including source keys, that are not compliant are ignored in version 18 and earlier.
Since text that is not IEC61131-compliant is ignored in version 18 and earlier, the sk.dat file can contain the stronger, noncompliant source keys introduced in version 19.
Source Keys and Source Key Names in Version 19 and Later Versions
To create source keys for version 19 and later of the application, use these conventions.
- To create source keys for version 19 and later, begin each source key with a lowercase character a-z or an underscore character (_). Use only characters lowercase a-z, 0-9, or an underscore character (_) within the source keys.
- If using source keynamesin version 19 and later, and the source keys are lowercase and IEC61131 compliant, the source keys function in version 18 and earlier.
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