Who Active device discovery guidelines

Observe these discovery guidelines for viewing devices in a network topology in the
Who Active
dialog box:
  • A red X on a device indicates a communication status error exists with a node. For example, if Auto browse is enabled, the communication software edition recognizes nodes during the browse cycle and stores the node information. To remove a device with a red X from the topology tree, right-click the node and select
  • A device with a yellow question mark indicates an unknown device. This occurs when:
    • The device does not have an associated EDS file installed. In this case, the correct online name displays but the icon does not appear.
      To resolve this condition, use the EDS Hardware Installation tool in
      FactoryTalk Linx
      to register the EDS file. Before using the EDS Hardware installation tool, download the EDS File from http://www.rockwellautomation.com/global/support/networks/eds.page.
      To access the EDS Hardware installation tool, in Windows, click
      Start > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Tools -> EDS Hardware Installation Tool
      . If using
      FactoryTalk Linx
      , at the top of the browser, click the Auto browse button to enable auto browsing, or right-click the applicable device and select
      EDS Upload
      Some devices have embedded EDS files. To upload the EDS file from the device, right click the device in the
      RSLinx Classic
      FactoryTalk Linx
      topology tree and select EDS Upload.
  • A device with a red X and yellow question mark appears when an Ethernet driver communicates with an IP address without an attached physical device. The communication software edition displays the device name as Unrecognized Device.
    To resolve this condition, add the correct IP address for the device to communicate with the Ethernet driver.
    Some devices do not have EDS files and display with a question mark in the topology.
  • Use the Auto browse automatic discovery function to continually browse a selected device or network for real-time status updates. For example, the browser recognizes nodes during the browse cycle and stores the node information. If an error occurs, such as a communication cable being pulled from a device, the browser places a red X over the device indicating no detection.
    When browsing certain networks, such as through a 1785-KA, may take longer to update. In these cases, the browser is checking all station addresses.
  • When the network or device is collapsed, in <RSLC>, click the plus icon, or if using
    FactoryTalk Linx
    , click the arrowhead icon to expand the view and begin browsing. Double-clicking the network or device icon also expands the view for browsing. When the network or device is expanded, click the applicable collapse icon or double-click the network or device icon to collapse the view.
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