Commit Semantics
The Working Copy and Saving the Project
When you open a project, a copy of the project is made. This copy is called the working copy. When you are working in a project, all changes you make are stored in the working copy. It is only when you save the project (for example, using File-Save) that the original project file is updated.
Logix Designer
application does not support file versioning, so if you want to archive previous versions of a project, you must either choose the Save As option from the File menu, or manually copy the files using a file management tool such as Windows Explorer.Apply Buttons
All properties dialog boxes have Apply buttons. When you press the Apply button, the changes are stored in the working copy. Like all changes to the working copy, they are not stored in the project file until you save the project.
If you are online, pressing Apply sends the changes to the controller. If you apply changes while online, then close the project without saving it, you will not be able to go online with that project again without first correlating it with the controller (that is, uploading or downloading). Refer to topic on Correlation for more information.
Immediate Data Transfer to Controller
Some data values are sent to the controller immediately after you enter them. This is indicated by a blue arrow to the right of an operand in the ladder, function block, and sequential function chart editors, or to the right of a control on a properties dialog box. When you see this blue arrow, the data will be sent to the controller when you press the <Enter> key or when you move the focus off of the control.
Language and Tag Editors
The individual language editors and Tag Editor don’t have Apply buttons. They apply their changes to the working copy automatically.
Changes to ladder logic or to function block diagrams are never sent to the controller automatically; you must request this using the Accept Pending Program Edits command.
Automatic Apply
Logix Designer
application will automatically apply any edits on open Component Properties dialog boxes whenever you request any of the following operations:- go online
- download
- export
Of course, when you request a File-Save or Save-As, edits are applied before the working copy is saved, and when you request a File-Close, you are first asked if you want to save the project.
Creating/Deleting Project Components
When you create (or delete) a project component, it is created (or deleted) in the working copy. If you are online, it is also created or deleted in the controller.
Creating Tags and Committing Modifications
In the Data Editor table, one tag or tag element is represented by a row in the grid. You can create a tag only in the Create Tag row in the Tag Editor window. As soon as you modify a cell in the Create Tag row, a new row gets appended at the end of the grid. A new tag gets created when you cursor off the Create Tag row and any error will get prompted.
The new tag gets inserted at the end of the list, independent of the filtering and sorting criteria.
Changes to an existing tag attribute gets committed when you cursor off the active cell except the value cell, therefore, there can be only one tag that has pending edits at any one time.
The application saves pending edits when:
- you commit changes
- the Data Editor is closed/shut downed
- you switch tabs (Tag Editor and Data Monitor)
- the controller is downloaded/uploaded
Committing Value Edits
Any change to tag value is committed in a different semantic compared to the other tag attributes. These actions commit value pending edits either to the controller (online) or to the project file (offline):
- Keyboard navigation in the table:
- Arrow Up/Down, Ctrl + Arrow Up/Down
- Tab, Shift + Tab
- F2 (if the cell is in edit mode, F2 commits data and makes the cell current but not in edit mode)
- Enter
- Ctrl + Home (navigates to the first cell)
- Ctrl + End (navigates to the last cell)
- Left/Right button down in the grid
In general, any action that causes the Tag Editor window to lose focus will cancel any value pending edit and revert the value back to the original. These events cancel pending edits:
- Keyboard navigation in the grid:
- Esc
- Page Up/Down
- Selecting a new Scope, Show, and Sort combo box in the command bar
- Switching tab
- Losing focus to another window
- Horizontal/Vertical scrolling using scrollbar
- Horizontal/Vertical auto scrolling
- Dropping down the edit bit palette
- F1 (invoking help)
- Iconizing/maximizing the MDI window
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