Advanced Redundancy Configuration dialog box
Use this dialog box to configure advanced redundancy options. This dialog box is available only if the controller type supports redundancy.
Retain Test Edits in Standard Programs on Switchover
Select this box to determine whether the Test Edits mode should be maintained or canceled when a switchover to a secondary system occurs. The Test Edits mode allows for the temporary execution of online edits.
For standard controller types that support redundancy, the Retain Test Edits option is
Retain Test Edits on Switchover
. For safety controllers that support redundancy, the option is Retain Test Edits in Standard Programs on Switchover
.Enabling this option prevents the controller from automatically switching back to the unedited version of the program if the primary chassis fails while testing online edits.
Rockwell Automation
recommends leaving the Retain Test Edits in Standard Programs on Switchover
setting at the default (cleared) to avoid faulting both controllers when testing edits.If enabling this option (select the box), faults that result from the test edits can also occur on the new primary controller after a switchover. If disabling this option (box cleared), faults that result from the test edits are not carried over to the new primary controller in the event of a switchover.
When choosing to finalize all edits, the operation cannot be undone. Finalizing all edits results in:
- Any Pending Edits are accepted (downloaded to controller).
- Any Accepted Edits are assembled and begin execution.
- SFC routines are reset.
If choosing the Finalize All Edits option, edits are assembled immediately. A major fault could affect both the primary and secondary controllers.
Edits cannot be finalized when in Test Edits Mode. First Untest Edits and then Finalize.
For more information on the finalizing edits, refer to Finalize All Edits in a Program
Memory Usage
This section applies to ControlLogix 5570 controllers. Some controllers, for example the ControlLogix 5580 controllers, store all elements in one common area.
After download, there is a set amount of memory free in a synchronized primary system that can be used for the creation of tags or other logic while in Run mode. This control allows for more of the memory to be used for tags or for the creation of other logic.
The default value is 50% (that is, halfway between tags and logic). If the controller is online and in Run mode, this control is disabled.
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