Enter module references in the Structured Text editor
Within the structured text editor window, you can enter module references using these methods:
- Type the name for the module reference parameter or module into the expression.
- Choose a module reference parameter or module from the in-placeModule Browser.
There are two types of module references displayed in the Module Browser:
- TheParametersfolder at the top lists any module reference parameters.
- TheI/O Configurationfolder lists the available modules.
To use the Module Browser to enter a module reference:
- Position your cursor where you want to add or edit the module reference, click the right mouse button, and chooseBrowse Devices.
- When the browser appears, select the module reference from the list of available module reference parameters and modules. When you accept the module reference, it is inserted into your routine as follows:
- If your cursor was positioned in white space, the module reference is inserted at your cursor location.
- If your cursor was in a word, the module reference replaces the word.
- If you had selected text within the routine, the selected module reference replaces the selected text.Text following the new module reference is adjusted as necessary. When you enter a module reference in this way, its name is automatically entered into your structured text and is recognized as a module reference when you apply the line of text, as long as the containing statement is valid.
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