Add-On Instruction routine examples

Add-On Instruction routine examples

These examples show routines in add-on instructions.
Add-on instruction definition with an externally specified logic routine
aoi MyAOIDef (
required input dint myinput { desc:=”hello”;},
output dint myout { visible := false; },
required inout dint myInOut { desc := “hello”; }
tag dint someLocalTag;
extern routine logic() // Forward declares for external logic specification
External specification indicates that the routine is in some other file. The file extension denotes the language type.
Add-on instruction definition with an inline routine specification
aoi MyAOIDef (
required input dint myinput { desc:=”hello”;},
output dint myout { visible := false; },
required inout dint myInOut { desc := “hello” ;}
routine ld logic {
xic(myInput.1) Mov(2, myout) ote(myOut.1);
routine preScan { nop(); }
Add-on instruction instance declared and called from a routine
routine ld myRoutine() {
// using AOI instance to access backing data (as done today)
xic(myAOI.done) xic(myAOI.myOut) nop();
tag MyAOIDef_type myAOI; // declaring aoi backing tag
tag MyAOIDef_type myAOI2;
// AOI name is the mnemonic
MyAOIDef (myAOI, sInput, sOut, sInOut);
MyAOIDef (myAOI2, sInput, sOut, sInOut);
Logic routine accessing add-on instruction parameters
aoi MyAOIDef (
input dint myinput { desc:=”hello”; },
output dint myout,
inout dint myInOut { desc := “hello”; }
tag dint someLocalTag; // tag defined in AOI
routine ld logic() {
Xic(someLocalTagt.1) mov(2, myout) ote(myout.1);
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