Guidelines for routines in Add-On Instructions

Guidelines for routines in Add-On Instructions

Follow these guidelines when defining routines in an add-on instruction (AOI).
  • Routines must be named according to what they represent. Name a logic routine Logic(), and name a prescan routine prescan().
  • Routines within add-on instructions cannot have parameters nor routine-scoped tags. Tags can only be defined in the AOI.
  • Routines within an AOI cannot have parameters even through the parentheses () are required for the routine declaration.
  • Routines within an AOI cannot contain routine-scoped tags. Tags can only be declared within the AOI itself.
  • You can declare a routine outside of the AOI in the same file or in another file.
  • To declare a routine as external to the AOI, add the
    keyword before the
  • External routines have two parts:
    • The declaration of the external routine within the AOI. For example:
    • The routine implementation itself. For example:
extern routine [name] ();
[aoi name].[routine name] () {
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