Device example

Device example

This example shows the code for a device other than a controller.
CipDevice _1756_IB61 adapter1 { catalogNumber := "1756-IB16"; desc := ""; majorRev := 7; minorRev := 1; privateData := 'ewAiAEMAbwBuAHQAcgBvAGwAbABlAHIAIgA6AHsAIgBEAGEAdABhAFQAeQBwAGUAc='; inhibited := false; moduleEKeyingState := "COMPATIBLE_MODULE"; port RA1734 port1 { cipPortId := "1"; address := "0"; downstreamOnly := true; } port Ethernet port2 { cipPortId := "2"; address := ""; } tag AB:1734_1SLOT:I:0 I { SlotStatusBits0_31 := 0; SlotStatusBits32_63 := 0; Data := { 0 }; } tag AB:1734_1SLOT:O:0 O { SlotControlBits0_31 := 0; SlotControlBits32_63 := 0; Data := { 0 }; } }
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