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Parameter connection guidelines
Follow these guidelines when defining parameter connections in the
FactoryTalk Design Studio
DSL.- Use theparameterConnectionkeyword to announce a connection.
- A parameter connection is a relationship between two parameters. Changing a tag’s connection does not modify the file the tag resides in.
- Connections to parameter bit, array, and structure members are allowed.InOut parameters allow only a single connection to the whole tag. Connections to InOut members are not allowed. You can connect the InOut to a member of an Input parameter or controller tag. InOut parameters that are arrays cannot connect to members of an Input or controller tag. InOut parameters can only connect to the whole tag.
- Overlapping connections to an Input parameter or parameter members are not allowed.You can connect Input parameters to a whole tag, or to individual members of that tag, but not both. Also, member connections are not allowed to overlap. For example, you cannot create connections to both MyInputTimer.PRE and MyInputTimer.PRE.0.
- Parameter connections to controller and device tags are created in the .logix controller file.
- Connected parameters must either be contained in the same Smart Object definition or must be assigned to the same controller. Connections to devices must have the device and parameter assigned to the same controller.
- Connections must be connected from inputs to outputs, but the order of the connections does not matter. You can connect inputs to outputs, or outputs to inputs.
- You can use the parameterConnection keyword to declare connections inline within Smart Objects and controller applications.The controller application is the better place to create the connection because Smart Objects are self-contained elements and cannot reference a device directly. The parameterConnection keyword within a Smart Object does not support device tags and can only connect the program parameters within the Smart Object.This example shows a parameter connection in a controller application that references a device tag. This connection would not work within a Smart Object.
parameterConnection myAO.program.input myDevice.tag
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