Add-On Instruction Routine Editor

Add-On Instruction Routine Editor

Use the
Add-On Instruction Routine Editor
to view the logic routine of one Add-On Instruction invocation or edit the definition of an Add-On Instruction.
If editing the definition's routine logic, the changes will be applied to all AOI invocations in the project. Routine logic changes are always propagated to AOI instances as there is a single source of execution logic, the AOI definition.
AOI instances inherit default values from the definition until a unique tag value is specified for the instance. In the event an AOI instance has had unique value assigned, including changing it back to the current default value, that value is stored with the invocation and updates to the definitions default value are not propagated to that specific tag.
AOI instances' tags and parameters inherit default descriptions until a unique description is specified for a tag. Updates to the AOI definitions tags and parameters descriptions are not propagated to instances after a unique instance description is specified.
To open the
Add-On Instruction Routine Editor
, in the program routine editor, right-click the Add-On Instruction, then select
Open instruction logic
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