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IntelliCENTER Dashboard
Access the IntelliCENTER Dashboard to:
- Import a new lineup.
- Export a lineup.
- Edit a network path.
- Start and stop a lineup's status monitoring.
- Monitor the lineup's overall status.
Access the
IntelliCENTER Dashboard
from the explorer bar. Select 
, then the IntelliCENTER
tab. Select IntelliCENTER Dashboard
on the bottom.On the
IntelliCENTER Dashboard
:- View a list of lineups and associated serial numbers.
- Import a new lineup.
- SelectImport new lineup.
- SelectBrowseunderDatabasesto import datasets. Or selectBrowseunderDocumentationto import MCCs with documentation associated with it.
- Select one or more of the lineups and selectUploadto import the datafiles into FactoryTalk Design Studio.
- Export a lineup.
- Select the box
associated with the lineup you want to export.
- Select theExport lineupoption. TheExport MCC Lineupdialog box opens.
- SelectDownloadto download the zipped data set to the computer'sDownloadsfolder.
- Edit a network path.
- Select the box
associated with the lineup you want to edit the network path.
- Select theEdit Network Pathoption. TheEdit Network Pathdialog box opens.
- Add or edit the network paths. For more information, see Add a VPN driver.
- Start and stop a lineup from status monitoring by toggling the slide to the right to start monitoring the lineup or to the left to stop monitoring the lineup.
- Monitor the lineup's overall status by viewing the lineup'sStatuscolumn. TheStatuscolumn represents the most significant status in the lineup. If the lineup's status monitoring is not enabled, the status readsN/A.
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