View and open MCC lineup documentation

View and open MCC lineup documentation

You can access MCC lineup documentation that was imported into a FactoryTalk Design Studio project. You can view MCC lineup drawings, manuals, and spare parts, if applicable 
  • At least one MCC lineup documentation has been imported into
    FactoryTalk Design Studio
To view and open MCC lineup documentation
  1. In the
    view, right-click a selection.
  2. Select one of these options:
    • Documentation > Drawings
      to view a list of drawings associated with the MCC lineup. The drawings are identified by file name, sheet number, path, and if it is a custom drawing. Double-click a drawing to download it to your local drive.
    • Documentation > Manuals
      to view a list of manuals associated with the MCC lineup. The manuals are identified by file name, publication description, publication date, path, and if it is user supplied. Double-click a manual to download it to your local drive.
    • Documentation > Spares
      to view a list of spare parts associated with the MCC lineup. The spare parts are identified by part number, part description, quantity required, quantity recommended on hand, category, and provides four blank columns to uniquely customize the identity of the spare part once you order the part.
    Access drawings, manuals, and spare parts from the section level, unit level, or a lineup level. Right-click a section, unit, or the white space outside a lineup to access documentation from these three areas
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