PID Instruction Timing

PID Instruction Timing

The PID instruction and the sampling of the process variable need to be updated at a periodic rate. This update time is related to the physical process you are controlling. For very slow loops, such as temperature loops, an update time of once per second or even longer is usually sufficient to obtain good control. Somewhat faster loops, such as pressure or flow loops, may require an update time such as once every 250 ms. Only rare cases, such as tension control on an unwinder spool, require loop updates as fast as every 10 ms or faster.
Because the PID instruction uses a time base in its calculation, you need to synchronize execution of this instruction with sampling of the process variable (PV ).
The easiest way to execute the PID instruction is to put the PID instruction in a periodic task. Set the loop update time (.UPD) equal to the periodic task rate and make sure that the PID instruction is executed every scan of the periodic task.
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