About Multiple Workstation support
Logix Designer
application allows more than one user to be online with the same controller at the same time. Each user has an up-to-date view of the controller data, so changes made by one user are immediately seen by all other users.If two users try to change the same controller component at the same time, the updates are serialized, so that the "last one in wins". If this behavior is not acceptable, lock the controller (using the
Communications > Lock Controller
command, or the icon on the controller/project status tray). Locking the controller prevents other users from editing routines, creating or deleting components, and from making other changes that would affect the operation of the program. When locked, the Lock Controller
menu option changes to Unlock Controller
. If another user has the controller locked, this menu option is disabled.When making online edits to routines, be certain to coordinate work with other users to keep from working in the same routines. Besides the obvious potential for danger due to unforeseen interactions of changes with other users' changes, there is also the potential to lose work. This can occur when pending edits in a routine (that is, those not yet written to the controller), collide with another user's edits to that same routine. Your pending edits will be discarded.
Beyond working in the same routine, we also recommend avoiding working on routines in the same program as another user. This is because the routine edits commands (Accept, Test, Untest, Assemble, and Cancel) are performed on a program basis and affect another user’s edits when executing one of these commands.
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