Adding a Safety Add-On Instruction Signature
Safety Add-On Instructions let you encapsulate commonly-used safety logic into a single instruction. Safety Add-On Instructions feature a safety instruction signature ID for use in safety-related functions.
When you select or clear the
Report Overflow Faults
check box on the Controller Properties
dialog box - Advanced
tab, the Safety Instruction Signature ID changes for Safety Add-On Instructions that include math instructions.To add a Safety Add-On Instruction Signature
- Create a safety controller project for a GuardLogix or Compact GuardLogix controller.
- InController Organizer, right-click theAdd-On Instructionfolder and chooseNew Add-On Instruction. TheNew Add-On Instructiondialog box opens.TIP: Also access theNew Add-On Instructiondialog box using the path:File > New Component > Add-On Instruction.
- Type a name for the instruction.
- ChooseSafetyas the class for the instruction.
- The programming language type for the definition logic can only be ladder diagram for safety Add-On Instructions.
- (optional) Complete theExtended Text,Revision Note, andVendorfields.
- ClickOK.
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