Configure alarm levels
Configure the alarm levels for each analog alarm you create.
To configure alarm levels:
- From theConfigurationtab on theALMA Propertiesdialog box, in theInput Levelarea, select the alarm level you want to configure.TIP:To make Input Level detection unavailable for that condition, clear the corresponding check box. When Input Level detection is unavailable for a condition, the Limit, Severity, and Apply Min Duration controls are also made unavailable for that condition.
- Set a Limit for the condition. Limits may be any REAL value, but must be in descending order from High High to Low Low.
- Select a Severity ranging from 1 through 1000 to rank the importance of an alarm condition.TIP:By default, in theFactoryTalk Alarms and Eventssystem, severity ranges are mapped to priorities as follows:
- 1...250 are Low priority.
- 251...500 are Medium priority.
- 501...750 are High priority.
- 751...1000 are Urgent priority.
- This does not affect processing of alarms by the controller, but can be used for sorting and filtering functions at the alarm subscriber.
- You can configure the severity to priority mapping in theFactoryTalk Alarms and Eventssystem. For details, see the FactoryTalk Help: Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > FactoryTalk Help.
- To apply the Minimum Duration timer to this alarm condition, select theApply Min Drationcheck box. When cleared, the alarm is activated immediately when the input value reaches the Limit value. When selected, the alarm is not activated until the input value has exceeded the Limit value for the length of time specified in Minimum Duration.
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