
Solutions in your vault can be used to organize automation system projects. Solutions group together a collection of controller project files that interact together as a system. For example, solutions can be defined by the different machines in your factory, process areas in your plant, or however a system is defined.
NOTE: FactoryTalk Vault uses stateful urls. This allows you to bookmark or share specific content with other users in an organization by selecting the url displayed in the address bar.
Your vault contains a default solution that you can use to get started.
Add a solution to your vault
  1. From the vault, click the drop-down arrow next to
  2. Select
    Create Solution
  3. In the
    Create Solution
    dialog box complete these items:
    • Name
      - Required. The name:
      • Must be between 1 and 200 characters
      • Cannot start or end with whitespace, that is, cannot start or end with a space or tab.
      • Cannot contain any invisible control characters such as new line, bell, tab, etc...
      • Cannot contain folder separator characters such as slah or backslash.
      • Should be unique within the current scope of the project, whether solution or folder.
    • Description
      - Optional.
The solution appears in the navigation pane of your vault.
Add projects to a solution
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution to which you want to add projects.
  2. In the center pane, select
    Add projects (s) to <SolutionName>
  3. Click
    to display the
    File Upload
    dialog box.
  4. Select the project files to add.
  5. Select
    to add the projects to the solution. The
    Add Projects
    panel displays to show the project properties.
    TIP: If there are any naming conflicts in the projects, rename the projects or remove the projects from the solution in the
    Add Projects
  6. Select
    to start uploading the selected projects.
The solution list displays the projects and their status.
Upgrade solution projects
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution in which you want to upgrade projects.
    TIP: Select the checkbox in the header row to upgrade all projects in the solution.
  2. In the vault toolbar, select
  3. In the
    Upgrade Logix Project
    window, under
    Select Logix Version
    select the Logix version to which you want to upgrade the solution’s projects.
    The projects in the solution that can be upgraded will be selected. You can clear the selection from any projects in the solution that you don’t want upgraded. Projects that cannot be upgraded appear dimmed in the list.
  4. Select
  5. In
    Review Warnings
    review the list of potential impacts of upgrading the projects. To continue the upgrade, click
The project list displays the progress of the upgrade.
Download solution projects
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution from which you want to download projects.
  2. Select the checkboxes of the projects to download.
    TIP: Select the checkbox in the header row to download all projects in the solution.
  3. In the vault toolbar, select
  4. From the list, select which type of project file to download, then slect
  5. The download starts.
    • If prompted, click
      to allow the download.
  6. The projects in the solution are downloaded to your default
Move a project
You can move projects between your personal tenant and your organization as well as move them between solutions.
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution from which you want move the project.
  2. Select the checkbox for the project you want to move.
  3. In the vault toolbar, select
    to open the
    Move Project
    dialog box.
  4. Under
    Select Organization
    click the down arrow and select the destination organization.
  5. Under
    Select Solution
    click the down arrow and select the destination solution.
  6. Click
Delete a solution
Deleting a solution removes all controller projects within the solution.
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution to delete.
  2. In the vault toolbar, select
  3. In the
    Delete solution
    confirmation dialog, click
The solution is removed from the vault. Click
trash_icon to view the item in the
Edit solution properties
  1. From the vault navigation pane, select the solution.
  2. In the vault toolbar, select
    Solution Properties
  3. Click the
    pencil pencil next to the name of the solution to change the solution name.
  4. Click the
    pencil pencil next the description of the solution to change the solution description.
  5. Click
    to apply the changes.
    TIP: The
    button is enabled if there are unsaved changes. If you close the panel without saving the changes are discarded.
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