Decreasing DCS skills gap increases consistency
Operators already familiar with our PlantPAx® DCS for other process easily converted their knowledge for this niche application – saving training time and reducing the impact of a skills gap, or the lack of knowledgeable people available to learn and manage the new system.
The batch digester control now can adjust the cook of the pulp based on several factors including outside temperature and moisture, optimizing each cook by making improvements automatically for more consistent results. This digester optimization, coupled with standardized operation on every shift (regardless of operator), has resulted in the anticipated result – a reduction in downtime – as well as improvements in product quantity and quality.
Bottom-line: they produce more batches per day, with fewer bottlenecks.
While this is a niche application, the benefits achieved can apply across other process industries: operators have an easier time handling the system and have greater visibility into the processes; executives realize the promised gains for increased production and improved yields – and more.