The Connected Enterprise® helps industrial automation professionals gain a better understanding of risks and transform company-wide operations with safety and security in mind — enhancing safety and security in all aspects.
To mitigate security risks, many of our users are tapping IIoT technology to remotely access production machinery, allow wireless access to pumping stations, or connect plant-floor equipment to the IT infrastructure. This Connected Enterprise is the future — how they can realize improved asset utilization, faster time to market and lower total cost of ownership.
Opportunity Brings Risk
But for all the opportunities The Connected Enterprise® brings, there are also risks. More connection points can create more entrance points for security threats, which can be physical or digital, internal or external, and malicious or unintentional. And they can pose a danger in many ways, including intellectual property loss, disrupted operations and compromised product quality. Safety is perhaps the least discussed implication of security threats.
Therefore, you need to start thinking of safety and security in relation to each other. To do this, consider the “three Cs of safety,” which is a set of practices that best-in-class manufacturers share:
- Culture (Behavioral): Employee and company behaviors — including values, priorities, attitudes, incentives and beliefs — that help define how well a company embraces safety. In addition to protecting intellectual property, processes and physical assets, security personnel should make protecting safety systems a core value in everything they do. Greater collaboration between Environment, Health & Safety (EHS), operations and IT teams also is more important.
- Compliance (Procedural): Policies and procedures that help a company achieve compliance with appropriate safety standards. Compliance efforts should meet the security requirements in safety standards, such as IEC 61508 and 61511. Conversely, security efforts should follow a defense-in-depth (DiD) approach, which is recommended in the IEC 62443 (“Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems”) standard series.
- Capital (Technical): Contemporary safety technologies and techniques that help optimize both safety and productivity. Use safety technologies with built-in security features, and security technologies that both help protect against safety-system breaches and support speedy recoveries should a breach occur.
Dangerous Breaches Already Happening
Security breaches and vulnerabilities resulting in safety risks aren’t just theoretical. They’re a reality:
- An oil pipeline was hacked in Turkey, causing an explosion and 30,000 barrels of spilled oil. The cyber attackers negated the existing safety system to shut down alarms, cut off communications and super-pressurize crude oil in the line.
- A regional water supplier experienced a cybersecurity breach that not only compromised customer data, but caused unexplained valve and duct movements, including manipulation of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that “managed the amount of chemicals used to treat the water to make it safe to drink.”
- A cyberattack on a German steel mill resulted in parts of the plant failing and a blast furnace that couldn’t be shut down through normal methods. The plant suffered “massive damage.”
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) put out an alert to medical device manufacturers and health care facilities about certain medical devices being vulnerable to security breaches. One of the vulnerabilities cited was the potential for the devices to be infected or even disabled by malware.
As you can see, breached machine- and process-safety systems can create cascading safety consequences. Compromised safety systems that don’t stop machines when they reach a dangerous state or when a safety device is triggered can expose workers to the very threat from which they were supposed to be protected.
Additionally, safety systems that aren’t able to stop production beyond certain operating conditions can expose other employees or an entire plant to risks, such as fires, chemical leaks or explosions.
Key Risk Types
Security risks can take many forms, including:
- Employee Errors. One of the most common security risks comes from innocent mistakes. This could include employees or contractors who unwittingly make a network misconnection, download the wrong program to a controller, or plug an infected device into the system.
- Disgruntled Employees. Current or former employees familiar with an organization’s control system and industrial network can present security and safety threats. A prime example involved a worker in Australia who broke into a sewage-equipment control system installed by his former employer and caused 800,000 liters of raw sewage to spill into local parks and rivers.
- Hackers Seeking Political or Financial Gain. A manufacturer’s intellectual property can be a lucrative target for hackers. They might want to disrupt an industrial operation for financial, competitive or political reasons.
- Corporate Espionage. State-sponsored espionage targeting high-value infrastructure and production assets is a constant threat. U.S. Department of Justice officials have said that thousands of companies have been targeted and that such activities represent a “serious threat” to national security.
- Cyberterrorism. Malicious acts could seek to disrupt, infect or cripple critical infrastructure. Potential targets include nuclear plants, water supplies and oil refineries. One such alleged attack involved hackers attempting to seize control of a small dam in New York. The attack failed because the dam was off-line for maintenance.
Production Intelligence
The concept of digital transformation is bringing production intelligence to industrial firms for measuring and improving nearly every aspect of their operations. For these opportunities, more connection points can create more entrance points for security threats. You must account for and address how these threats impact the safety of your people, your infrastructure and the environment around your operations.
By integrating safety and security programs, aligning with industry best practices and following key steps, you can assess, manage and mitigate the safety implications of security risks in a Connected Enterprise.
Learn about Rockwell Automation Industrial Security.