Activate FactoryTalk Optix Runtime on offline devices

Complete the Runtime entitlement offline activation if the Runtime device is not connected to the Internet.
NOTE: The entitlement serial number XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX is used in the following instructions as a placeholder.
  1. Generate an
    file on the offline device.
  2. Generate an
    generated from the ActivationRequest through an outputActivationRequest file on the online device.
  3. Transfer the
    to the offline device.
  4. Activate the
    that was previously activated on the online device.
    NOTE: The FTOptix Entitlement Manager CLI program consists of an activation request file that can be transferred to an online computer to proceed with the online activation.

  1. From the FactoryTalk Optix landing page, select
    Organization Entitlements
    , then copy the entitlement serial number from the entitlements list belonging to the organization.
  2. To allow for entitlement activation, launch the, a self-installing shell script. In a terminal, generate an activation request file with the
    extension using the
    sudo FTOptixEntitlementCli --offlineActivate --entitlementKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX --outputActivationRequestFile .
    NOTE: The full stop following
    indicates that a
    file is created in the current folder. This file includes all of the requried parameters to transfer data.
    NOTE: Only a superuser can install the FactoryTalk Optix Entitlement Manager CLI program for entitlement activation.
  3. Store the activation request file where you can easily locate it for later transfer to the online device later. To do so, enter the location path of the activation request file and the serial number
    sudo FTOptixEntitlementCli --onlineActivate --activationRequestFile /foldername1/foldername2/XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.req
    and then transfer the generated
    to an online device.
  4. Enter
    sudo FTOptixEntitlementCli --onlineActivate --activationRequestFile XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.req --outputEntitlementFile .
  5. Add
    --outputEntitlementFile .
    at the end of the line to activate the entitlement:
    sudo FTOptixEntitlementCli --onlineActivate --activationRequestFile /foldername1/foldername2/XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.req --outputEntitlementFile .
  6. An
    file generates:
    . FactoryTalk Optix Runtime then reads this file to check whether an entitlement is available.
  7. Enter
    sudo FTOptixEntitlementCli --offlineActivate --entitlementFile XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.ent
  8. The entitlement is successfully imported.
  9. (optional) To view updated entitlements, from the FactoryTalk landing page, select
    Organization Entitlements
    NOTE: You must be an admin or owner to view the entitlement status.
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